|19| Lazy Days

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Today I really didn't feel like going to school. I wanted to stay home, eat ice cream and do baby things. I want to plan and make my room arrangements. This may all sound weird to you, but it's what I'm looking forward to in life. I've finally learned how to cope with having two babies. It's going to be hard, and we're going to need double of everything. Double cribs, twice the amount of diapers, wipes, clothes, and I'm going to need a double seated stroller. Like I said, it'll be hard, but I can do it. I have an amazing boyfriend by my side, an amazing sister, who will be an amazing aunt, and I have two loving parents that will love us all unconditionally.

I decided I'm going to stay home today. I haven't been feeling good at all this morning but I mainly just want to stay home. I didn't want to get out of bed so I texted everyone. Mom first.

I don't feel good. I think I'm going to stay home.

Then San.

Hey. Not coming today. Love you.

Then Finn.

Morning sickness got to me today. I'm not coming. I love you.

Let's make baby plans.

Sorry this is short! Mostly everything this week will be short because I'm on vacation. Expect less updates from me.


Now that we know Rachel is having twins, vote on which one you want. ⬇️⬇️

1. Both Boys
2. Both Girls
3. Boy and Girl

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