|14| Doctor Callahan Pt. 2

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I sat in the chair while waiting for the doctor to come in. Santana was next to me, and Finn was closest to me, but sitting next to her. Finally the blonde headed woman walked in and looked at Finn. Not me, the patient, but Finn.

"Hello, Rachel." she smiled at me.

"Hi." I simply said. I was mad that she was checking Finn out. She looked into her file and looked back to me.

"So my file indicates that you are now 13 weeks pregnant, and that your due date is May 23rd." she smiled.

"Yes." I nodded.

"So, introduce us!" Santana smiled at me.

"This is my awesome sister, Santana." she waved.

"And this is the baby's daddy, Finn." he smiled at me and then waved to the doctor.

"Okay, well let's check you guys out." she smiled at me and put the wand on my stomach. She moved it around, and that little blob that I saw last time was starting to look more and more human-like. I turned to look at Santana, and she was smiling from ear to ear. Then I looked at Finn, I shouldn't have, but I did. He was smiling more than Santana, and he had some tears in his eyes. I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand. I turned back to the doctor and listened to her ramble on. I didn't really care, I just wanted to leave, now that I knew the baby was okay. She finally let us go and Finn wouldn't let go of my hand. We walked hand in hand to my car and he kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for letting me come." he said.

"Your welcome. You deserve to be here." I told him. One of my at doors shut and Santana was in the car.

"Well, Santana is waiting. We're going to Kohl's because none of my clothes fit anymore." I smiled.

"Sorry about that." he nervously laughed.

"It's fine." I smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow." he smiled.

"Yeah, tomorrow." I smiled.

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