The Beta's Mate Ch.4

Start from the beginning

“Touché. You can proceed to fix my car ‘real mechanic’.” I said and since I was already late for school he let me take his truck the rest of the way to school.

When I got to school the parking lot was full of car but void of students the bell had already rang fifteen minutes ago. I climb out of Stan’s red pickup truck in my spot at the very back of the parking lot and hauled my ass very quickly towards the school. I was just climbing the stairs the led to the entrance doors to the school when I saw the principal walk past. I froze where I was and was about to turn around and find another way to enter the school when the doors burst open.

“Miss Havard, why are you not in class? The bell rang fifteen minutes ago.” Mr. Renold demanded. I was about to explain to him about my morning but he shushed me and continued to give me a lecture on how it was important to stay in school if I wanted a good future and doing drugs and alcohol was not the way to become a lawyer if that was my choice career that is. “Dention in room 506 with me after school Miss Havard.” He said before moving aside to let me enter the school, I tried to protest but once again I was shushed as he pushed me into the school. This day truly could not get any worse and had trumped yesterday by a landslide.

When I got to my English class I tried to slip in quietly but Keri shouted at me from across the class, “’bout time you get here Havard. I was beginning to think you were playing hooky.” Both the teacher and I glared daggers at her as I crossed the class and took my seat beside her. I tried to ignore the rude whispers of my classmates as I walked by them.

“What’s your problem?” I demanded of Keri as soon the teacher had continued her lesson.

Keri ignored my question and continued to speak, “I thought maybe you weren’t going to show up after what happened between you and Caleb and your head ache.”

“Why does everyone think I’m bothered by Caleb not wanting to be with me? I mean it doesn’t change anything because all of them already pretend I don’t exist.”

She widened her eyes, “Can’t you see it Lana. This changes everything, before yesterday they could pretend you didn’t exist, you where just another one of Mark’s pack members, just another grain of sand on a beach. Now, now you belong to Jonathan’s pack too, as his beta’s mate, a potential future alpha if anything ever happens to Jon.” I could only stare at her as my mind raced. She was right if something did end up happening between Caleb and I, I would be part of both packs.

I let my gaze wander over to Caleb, he sat one row over and two desks back to intent on his doodling to notice or so I thought I’d only been watching him for about ten seconds before he his head jerked up and gaze met mine for a fraction of a second before I spun my head back around. I felt my heart continue to pound at this small contact between us.

The rest of class was torture what was he thinking about catching me staring at him? I couldn’t concentrate now as I had daggers being glared at myself. When the bell rang I took my time packing my stuff hoping he would be long gone by the time I was done. Boy was I wrong I stood up and crashed right into him.

“Watch it Havard.” He sneered, my eyes widened in surprise and I’m sure the blush of embarrassment showed on my face, hopefully he didn’t mistake it for something else.

“I-I’m sorry I thought you were gone.” I apologized looking at my feet.

“Oh, well-” He started with a softer tone but I would never know what he was going to say because Keri called for my from the door, that girl had the worst timing today. I hurried out of the room without another glance in his direction.

“What was that all about?” Keri whispered pulling me close; her tone told me he was still close. I could only shrug I had no idea myself.

 Connor met up with us for our Chemistry class at Keri’s locker. “So rumours are you have a date with Mr. Renold after school today.” He joked; I didn’t mind his teasing at all I was used to that what I wanted to know is where he heard about my detention. “Suzie Jacobs was just around the corner when she overheard the two of you.”He informed us with a smile, as if he could read my mind.

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