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q. why the charlie charlie challenge? you could've done the ouija, or 'stiff as a board, light as a feather what made you chose charlie charlie?

a. i guess i chose the 'charlie charlie challenge' because it was popular at the time, i myself was a bit of an emily and didn't believe in it. that's i guess where inspiration for her came from. plus the charlie charlie challenge hadn't been out long, so some people wouldn't know about it, or haven't written about it yet. many people have written 5sos stories around other horror games such as the ouija board, but i decided to go with charlie charlie because it was something different.

q. why did you make everyone die? why didn't you make them say 'charlie charlie can we leave'?


why couldn't there be survivors?

a. as for why there wasn't any survivors, and why they all died, i wanted to try out the whole horror theme, at the time i was reading books like 'russian roulette' and stuff. i thought it would be cool to write a horror book. i killed them off because it would add to the whole affect, the whole time in the book you were supposed to grow angry at emily, because it was her idea, but i wanted people to also keep into consideration that any one could be an 'emily.' what i mean by that is, many people believe in different things, and emily didn't believe something until it happened, we all base our beliefs of things so it wouldn't be unlikely for any one of us to not believe something right at the start.

as for the 'charlie charlie can we leave?' i was going to add something like that in the book, where they ask that question and it moves to no, so one tries to run for the door but she can't scream and she is chocked. i didn't add this in however, because this scene was set to take place after eliza's death, yet i thought it might have been too soon as a character was already chocked to death in the prior chapter. it never really made the cut into the story, and it was cut when i later refined the chapter. i tend to write a lot of thing, then refine them until i am left with a chapter. so it didn't make the refinery.

q. have you done the charlie charlie challenge before and did it work? also, who would you say is your favourite character and why?

a. i have tried the challenge and that was what inspired my story, we were sitting outside at lunch when my friend carolina set up the challenge. we all thought it was bullshit but we tried it any way, nothing happened obviously, but it got me thinking, what if it did move?

my cousin actually tried the challenge, and she claimed that it would work, so she tried it and it did. she became so paranoid she brought dream catchers and crystals to 'ward off bad spirits.' it was her actions and behaviour that stemmed the idea for eliza. (even though her name is emily XD)

as for who my favourite character is-

i would say one of the boys, but they don't really get developed as characters much in the story. i would have to say that emily is my favourite character. she isn't the best character, but that is depending on what ending you choose to believe, if you choses the standard ending with chapter 12 and the epilogue then she is kinda considered a 'bad person' but it also wasn't entirely her fault because the group was curious. but if you choose to believe the alternative ending, she actually prevents the whole event from happening.

q. is there another reason why emily commits suicide other than because she is sad and because her friends died?

a. yes there is, i wanted it to be not only because her friends died but because she was turning insane, in the last few chapters before she dies and before calum gets possessed, calum infers that she had been talking her her self and rocking herself back and fourth. the part where she think that she is seeing michael is also to infer that the is seeing things. if emily wasn't going to die, she was going to turn insane, end up in a mental hospital and die there from suicide. either was she was going to die.

i hope these answers have provided an insight into the story.

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