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emil looked at the body.

and fell to her knees. she cried, and cried.

she was the last on left.

and it was her cowardliness that led to them to this nightmare.

her eyes red and puffy, mascara stained her cheek.

her friends were dead because of her.

she said that she would never forgive herself.

she grabbed the gun that was clutched in calum's hand.

a figure moved in the distance. she swore she saw a coloured hair figure walk.

she sprinted over to were she saw the figure.

but nothing was there.

she raced to the room were his body was found.

and it still laid twisted in its original position.

"it's my fault isn't it." she said to the body of michael, her voice was soft like a whisper.

"everyone's dead aren't they?" she asked.

"eliza, willow, luke, ally, ashton, calum and you."

in all honesty, emily sounded insane. she continued to talk to the body of michael, not receiving any answers for her questions.

"why am i the one left? it's my fault. i should be dead." she cried.

she fumbled in the draw, finding what she was looking for.


she left the room. hot tears trickled down her cheeks.

the gun was still clutched tightly in her hands. she re-loaded the gun.

"see you soon everyone." she said.

and the gun was pressed against her head.

and fired.


a/n: and that was the last chapter. an epilogue will be up tomorrow and after that an alternative ending. i hope you enjoyed the story.

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