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ally looked at the body. shaking eliza, trying to wake her up.

a hot tear ran down her cheek as she checked for eliza's pulse.

no pulse was found.

ally had just whitnessed her friend die from an unknown cause.

she ran over to her sleeping friends. waking all of them up.

"guys," she sobbed. "eliza's dead."

they all looked at her funny, each rubbing their eyes.

the other six got up, waking over to eliza's body.

"see." ally said, sobbing louder.

ashton checked for a pulse, a sign of any life. but he found nothing. eliza really was dead.

"she's.. gone." ashton said, the sudden realisation hitting him harder than a ton of bricks.

"are you serious man?" calum asked.

ashton nodded his head.

"but how?" willow asked.

ally explained the situation to the group. everything from the events of the conversation to the point of her death.

"so she was choked?" luke asked.

"im not sure. but it did look like it. the funny thing was, nothing was there choking her. it looked like she was being strangled by nothing."

the group nodded their heads slowly, trying to process the information.

in the midst of his nodding luke's face froze. his face growing more and more paler by the second.

"luke, are you ok?" ally asked luke, turning her head in the direction that he was looking at.

ally didn't seem to see anything, but luke looked scared.

the group stood up.

"do you think she died from that 'figure' she had been seeing?" calum asked.

the group just remained quiet.

quiet until luke droped to his knees. his breathing heavy.

the other six turned their heads, wondering what on earth was happening to him.

luke's hands clutched his hair, his eyes shutting tightly, a yell escaping his lips.

'l-luke whats wrong?" willow asked.

she didn't get an answer, just another yell came from luke.

he thrashed about, gripping his hair tighter, shaking his head vigorously.

there was one final yell, lasting longer that the rest.

then abruptly, luke stopped his screaming, and stood up. his eyes still shut tight.

he faced the group, opening his eyes.

no longer where they a piercing blue,

but solid black.


a/n: how is everyone enjoying the story so far? also thank you for 500+ reads and 100+ i have only had this book up for 5 days!

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