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"calum." emily screamed through the apartment once again, only to be replied with silence.

she ran back to the living room, looking around the surrounding area.

calum stood alone in the kitchen.

"there you are calum." emily said, running into the kitchen.

his back was facing her. and he didn't turn around.

"i thought something bad had happened calum." emily said relived.

she pulled on his arm, making him turn around.

his eyes solid black.

a sudden knife was pressed underneath emily's chin.

calum looked at emily, and spoke. his voice deeper and harsher than normal.

"you're a stupid girl aren't you? your friends warned you, but you were too ignorant. now look where they all have ended up."

emily didn't dare move, if she did, the knife would be pressed into her chin.

"let's have some fun." calum said, his lips forming a smirk.

he grabbed the gun that was in his other hand.

"it's loaded with two bullets. we each take turns firing at our heads. like russian roulette. your going first sweetheart."

emily didn't dare argue, or even speak for that matter. she just frantically nodded her head taking the gun from his hand.

she placed the gun to her head, shutting her eyes tight.

there was no doubt that she was scared but, she pulled the trigger. she opened her eyes. she wasn't dead.

calum snatched the gun from emily. pointing it at his head. he didn't even close his eyes, or even flinch for that matter.

he just fired the gun.

and fell to the floor.


a/n: hahahahahhahahahahahahah i'm evil. the story is cuming to an end. next chapter will be up tomorrow. it will probably be the last one, aside from the epilogue and alternative ending.

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