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it was two nights later when the group all had met at emily's house.

the room was pitch black, apart from 3 lit candles.

"what's with the candles em?" willow asked.

"i don't know," responded emily. "i felt like adding them for decoration."

the group sat around a small table in a circle, everyone was quieter than ever.

"one thing before we start," eliza said. "don't swear, it will anger charlie."

"for the last time, charlie doesn't exist. we're just doing this for fun. and no one better blow on the pencil, i want to see if it actually moves." emily said, looking at the group.

they all nodded, before gulping.

"charlie charlie are you there?"

the eight kids spoke.

not a sound other than their voices filled the room, and the only source of light was from the three candles burning beside the paper.

"ash, i'm scared" eliza whispered.

the pencil moved, only slightly, but enough to make the it fall off the bottom pencil.

there eyes widened to see that the pencil pointed towards the yes that was written on the paper.

"ok, who blew on the pencil?" michael asked.

the group remained silent.

eliza grabbed ashton's arm tightly burning her face in his chest.

out of the group of eight, eliza was the one who defiantly didn't want to do this, it was one of emily's stupid ideas. she was also probably the most scared, but there was no doubt that everyone had some fear inside.

"oh relax," emily said, standing up from her seat. "charlie isn't actually there, i bet there is a valid explanation for it."

willow's eyes just rolled. "sit down." and emily took her seat next to calum.

the group just stared at the paper. the pencils, laid idle next to each other as the candles flickered.

luke stood up, picking up one of the pencils, balancing it on the bottom one.

"charlie, charlie," luke spoke slowly, but he stopped.

"what's wrong man? just ask the question already." calum huffed.

luke just took a seat back next to ally.

"man you are such a wimp" calum groaned.

"can you fucking shut up?" luke snapped back.

"shut up both of you!" willow said to the two bickering boys.

"stop swearing. please. you will anger charlie." eliza quietly pleaded.

"stop being so fucking paranoid eliza, it's not real. this is a stupid challenge, there is no way that it's real. i wanted to try this as a fucking joke. there is no such thing as a demon named charlie."

everyone just sighed. this always happened. emily always yelled at eliza.

and eliza quietly returned to her seat.

and as soon as she sat down the three candles went out. they were left in pitch black.

so the group called out one last time.

"charlie, charlie are you there?"

and the pencil moved.


a/n: haha no this does not work, there is science to explain why the pencil moves. look it up, it's stuff to do with friction.

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