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emily watched what had happened from afar.

she saw calum point the gun.

and ally fall to the ground.

the gun was hers. the one she kept hidden in her bedside draw. she felt guilty for having it. because now, it was the weapon used to kill one of her friends.

calum's body fell to the ground, emily rushing over to him.

he was not dead. his breathing was normal. he just laid on the concrete as if he was sleeping.

"calum," emily said.

he rubbed his eyes and sat up. his eyes were now dark brown as opposed to solid black.

he looked at the gun held in his hand.

and the body of ally. a very obvious bullet hole in her head.

"no, i didn't, i couldn't have." calum said. he was on the verge of crying.

"calum, you didn't know. you weren't in control." emily reassured.

"but i killed her em." calum cried.

"don't blame yourself calum." emily said.

they sat there for a while, emily comforting the crying calum, before deciding that they would be too venerable sitting on the balcony.

so the two stood up, walking away from the balcony. they creeped through the eerie apartment. trying not to make any noise.

they were halfway down the corridor when the started to hear the sound of footsteps.

these footsteps grew louder and louder.

"in here." calum said as he opened a door to a room.

the two entered the room. closing the door behind them. they looked around the room.

a dead body laid in the centre of the floor.

3 bullet holes, one in the head, one in the heart and one in the stomach.

bloody handprints marked the walls,

as well as smudged, bloody writing written on the wall.

and the writing read.

'i'm still here.'


a/n: hello. next chapter to will find out who the body is >:) im evil. also if i made a cover book, would people request covers. also, i'm probably going to change my cover.

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