the ending authors note

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hello! i hope that you enjoyed my story. and i have to admit it was fun to write. despite it being sad to kill off every single character.

i will be posting a new book after this called kiara. go check the introduction out if you haven't already. also, i am going to drop a surprise book in a few weeks. the whole book will all be posted in one day and i have already started writing it.

that is all i will be saying. no further information will be provided on it other that what i have said.

charlie charlie has ended with:

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that is really insane since i only have had this book up for 2 weeks!

(that can be calculated as i updated every day and there are 14 chapters, including epilogues and alternative endings)

I really love you guys and i hope that you then read my other books that i will be posting on this account.

happy reading,

Isabella x

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