Chapter Twenty-Two

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~•Niall's POV•~

The lads and I are leaving today with the girls except Nikki to do the rest of our Europe tour. This is going to be one long month before Nikki can join up with us. She has to stay back to finish her second semester of Uni.

It was 6 in the morning. Why you ask? Well our flight out of the UK leaves at 7:30am so we have to get ready.

"Hey mate do you have my guitar picks?" I asked Liam as he walked out of his room.

"Yea I stuck them on my bed I was gonna give them to you after I at some breakfast" he answered.

"Alright. . . I'll come with you." I said to Liam. The mention of food made my stomach grumble.

We ate breakfast as the other 3 lads woke up. Isabel and Julia had already shown up and were ready to go so they helped Zayn and Louis finish their stuff.

Kara showed up a few minutes later and went to help Harry who was already finished anyway.

Then there was yet another knock at the door. I went and opened it, letting Margaret and a sad Nikki into the room.

I pulled Nikki into my room as I sat down on the bed. I had spread my legs apart so she could stand in between my knees.

"Don't be sad love, it's only for a month." I said trying to comfort her.

"But I'm going to miss you so much, I don't know if I can do this" she spoke quietly.

"Do what?" I questioned.

"Stay here without you, maybe I should just drop out and come with you now!" she said getting a little happier but not by much.

"No if you dropped out I wouldn't ever forgive myself. Just finish this last month and call me or Skype with me each night" I told her.

"It's still going to be hard without being able to give you a hug or a kiss everyday." She said sadly again.

"I know babe but it's only for a little while" I said as I titled her chin towards me and gave her a soft kiss on her lips.

I could feel her smiling into it and I didn't want to leave her here by herself but I had to. Even if it was for a little while.

"We'll see each other again before you know it" I spoke as we broke apart.

"Yea" she smiled "You better call me before every show though!"

"I promise. . . just like you did" I smiled, reminding her of the promise she made after that night at the beach.

"Yup. . . just like I did" she smiled.

I finally stood up and Nikki helped me finished packing for our tour. We walked out into the living space I had two suitcases and Nikki had my carry on for the plane.

"Is everyone ready to go? We have to be in the lobby in five minutes" Liam spoke as he got up from the couch.

Everyone responded either with a spoke yes or a nod of their heads so we all made our way to the lift that would take Nikki and I to the place where we have to leave each other.

~•Nikki's POV•~

The lift came in no time, they all had so much baggage that we had to take I think three lifts down. Niall and I took the last lift down as we stood in a peaceful silence.

I think we both knew that if one of us should begin to talk then I would burst into tears or he would not want to leave. So we stood there until the lift doors opened to let us out.

It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now