Chapter Twenty

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~•Niall's POV•~

"Anything" Nikki smiled at me.

Okay here goes nothing, the worst that could happen is she could say no.

"Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I smiled.

She looked like she was beaming with happiness as she shook her head and then answered "Yes. . . I would love to be your girlfriend!"

At that moment my smile got so big I though it didn't look normal, but I didn't care. I wrapped her into a hug and at the time I knew I was the happier person in the world.

We part, but only slightly enough to where I could lean down and press my lips to hers. It was another simple but sweet kiss.

Once we separated I spoke "It'a close to four now and it takes fifteen minutes to get home from here and I have to be back at the hotel at four fifteen"

"Well then I think we need to start walking then." she smiled.

I linked my fingers to hers and we made our way back to her flat. Today couldn't have gone more perfect.

When we stopped in front of her flat Nikki turned to me "I had a great time today Ni" she smiled.

"Me too, hey I have another question" I said.

"What is it?" she spoke.

"In our next interview the question I know will come up. When it does can I tell the interviewer that we're together?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Of course! That would make us official to the public, wouldn't it?" She questioned.

"It would. . . are you okay with that?" I said.

"Yea I'm fine with that" she smiled.

"We'll I hope you watch it live this time" I smiled "Oh and don't listen to people on twitter, they will send hate but it's just because they're jealous.

"I won't" Nikki said a little unsure.

"No Nikki, you have to promise me you won't take it to heart, I don't want you to do anything" I said firmly. I didn't want her to harm herself because of the mean and protective fans' comments.

"I promise I won't take what the fans say to heart. . . nor will I harm myself" Nikki said, adding the last part I'm guessing because she knew what I was getting at.

~•Nikki's POV•~

"Okay, I have to go now so I'm not late. . . remember, you promised!" Niall shouted as he walked down the hallway to the lift.

"I'll remember" I shouted just before he walked out of sight.

I turned around and walked into the flat to see Margaret on the couch watching tv.

"What are you watching?" I asked Margaret as she turned to see me.

"I'm waiting for the boys' interview, Liam told me it was on this channel" She said as she tapped away on her phone, no doubt texting Liam.

"Oh awesome, I'll watch it with you. I promised Niall I would watch it" I spoke.

"Speaking of Niall, how'd it go?" Margaret asked right as the interviewer introduced One Direction.

"I'll tell you later, they're on" I told her.

We sat there watching the boys answer questions and talk about their upcoming tour and other upcoming events. This went on for about twenty five minutes.

It was coming to the end of the interview when the interviewer said "Okay boys, I know you have to get going but I have one more question for you. Who here has a girlfriend?"

It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now