Chapter Six

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~•Niall's POV•~

I'm so stupid, why didn't I kiss her? Oh yeah Margaret interrupted us. I wasn't going to kiss her in front of Margaret we weren't even a couple yet. Wait yet? Why am I even thinking of this? We can't date, this is right before boot camp, what if I get really far in the competition? I'll probably get to busy to talk to her or even hang out with her. I need to stop over thinking this and just get back to the hotel, I have to be up early for vocal practices. This is going to be a loooong week.

*8am-before bootcamp*

Ugh why am I up so early? Oh yeah today's the day we find out if we move on to the judge's house and whose going home, God I hope I get to stay, this is my dream.

"I'm sorry to say that you will not be moving on to the judges house" Simon Cowell told a group of hopefuls standing on the stage in front of him. Sadly I was one of those hopefuls that didn't make it.

What was I going to do now? Well I guess I'll be going back to Mullingar and go back to getting ready to go to University or something of the sort. I walked off stage with the others who were told they didn't make it and over to the food table, I needed something to eat.

"Okay listen up I have an announcement" One of the stage hads shouted "I need the following people to report back to the stage the judges would like a word with you; Harry Styles, Louis Tommlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik"

My name was called! With four other boys, what were they going to tell us, Oh God I'm so nervous now, I don't know what to think, what do they want?

~•Nikki's POV•~

I woke up with the biggest migraine ever so I decided to call into work sick and go back to sleep. Before I went back to sleep though, I went into the kitchen and grabbed some aspirin and a glass of water. I check the weather and sure enough, it was supposed to start snowing any minute now.

You see I get these really bad headaches when bad weather starts coming in because of the pressure changes in the air. I knew that I should probably sleep all day so I went back to bed.

I didn't realize what time it was until I heard someone loudly banging on the door to my flat. I got up and started walking out of my room to the door when I realized it was dark out. Did I really sleep ALL day? I looked at the clock on the microwave in the kitchen and sure enough it said 7pm. I slept my whole day away but I needed it cuz I was definitely feeling better. I opened my door to see Niall standing there with a worried look on his face. "Uhm hey Niall, what are you doing here?" I was quite confused as to why he would just show up at my place.

"I tried calling and texting you but got no answer and I started to get worried after you didn't respond to me all day so I wanted to come over and make sure you were okay" he sounded worried with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Oh well that was sweet of you and I'm fine" I said with a smile, it was nice to know that he cared "seeing you're here would you like to come in?"

"Yea that sounds good. . . So why weren't you answering your phone today?"

I went to my room and grabbed my phone, sure enough there was about 17 texts and 10 missed calls from Niall. "I woke up with a weather migraine and called into work sick, all I did was take some aspirin and go back to bed, next thing I know you're banging on my door" I let out a little chuckle because looking back I now know what everybody means when they say I sleep like a hibernating bear.

"Oh well I'm glad you're feelin better now, wanna watch a movie?"

"Uh yea sure but I probably should make something to eat first, I haven't eaten a thing all day"

"Don't worry about it I'll order a large pepperoni pizza, sound good?"

"Yea that sounds great!"

"Okay well while I order the pizza why don't you pick out a movie" He said with a smile as he walked out of the living room and into the kitchen.

I decided to pick Footloose, it's one of my favorite movies plus its a classic and I was just in that kind of mood tonight. Niall walked in just as he was hanging up the phone "Okay pizza is ordered and on its way here, what movie did you pick?"

"Footloose, it's my favorite" I said with a smile, he raised his eyebrows in shock "Really?"

"yeah, I love it, well right there next to Grease" I gave him a cheeky grin then decided I wanted some popcorn. "Well I don't know if it matters or not but they're my favorite movies too" I looked at him from the kitchen with one of those of-course-it-matters-why-wouldn't-it kind of looks. "Well good because I've just decided we're going to watch Grease after we're done watching Footloose" I said matter of factly.

"But I have to get back to my hotel later" he looked like he was trying to pout, it was kinda cute.

"Well I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there now won't we?" he just smiled and nodded his head while I took care of the popcorn.

~•Niall's POV•~

I wanted to tell her so bad but this didn't seem to be the right time. We were having so much fun, I didn't want to bring up the X Factor happenings now. I'll just text her tomorrow.

~•Nikki's POV•~

About 10 minutes into the movie there was a knock on the door. I got up to open it and hey look! it's the pizza guy! Sorry little excited for the food, I'm famished. I reached for my wallet to grab some money but Niall showed up at the door already with money in hand. "Niiiiaaaalll" I sing songed in a sad voice "I can pay for my own food!"

"I know you can but as long as I'm around I'll be paying for the food you or I order for you" he stuck his tongue out at me as I closed the door.

"Ugh fiiinnneee, lets just get back to the movie" with that we sat back down on the couch with the pizza box sitting on the coffee table along with our popcorn, drinks, and cell phones.



Hey Guys, sorry this chapter is boring And is more of a filler chapter, I have writers block :/ But what do you think so far? Am I doing good?

Please leave me feedback on how I'm doing whether its writing wise or even if you have suggestions that I could fit into the plot line!

I have really bad writers block so please comment or message me privately about your ideas if you don't want everyone else to know.


Again sorry about it being a filler chapter and Thank you so much for reading it means a lot :)




Always and Forever


It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now