Chapter Seven

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I woke up the next morning with my head resting on someone's chest. I looked up to see that it was Niall. I tried to figure out 1.) why is Niall still here? and 2.) how did I get into my bed?

All I remember last night was watching Footloose and part of Grease. After that I remember falling asleep, but I was on the couch not in my room.

~•Niall's POV•~

As my eyes fluttered open and came into focus on everything I noticed Nikki was awake. I just looked at her for a few moments. I wasn't to be creepy, no definitely not, I was just admiring how beautiful she was.

I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend so badly but I've only known her for a few weeks. Plus I have the competition and even though I'm not a solo artist anymore I feel as though the band could go really far in the competition.

I don't know, the whole situation seems to suck partly because her and I agreed to try and be friends. Another reason is because I wanted to introduce her to the guys but Harry is a flirt even though he has a girlfriend right now.

I decided to push the thoughts to the back of my mind for now and conduct my plan later. By the way it is not an evil plan to take over the world, no it's a plan to. . . wait! It's a secret! Sorry you'll just have to wait and find out.

"Good Morning Beautiful" I said in a sleepy/husky morning voice. Nikki looked up at me with those beautiful crystal blue eyes that you could get lost in for hours. I could tell she was a little confused as to how she got here and she soon expressed her confusion.

"How did I get up to my room last night? I thought I fell asleep on the couch, and why are you still here? I thought you had to go back to your hotel?" She was definitely confused.

I just gave a little chuckle in response and said "You fell asleep on the couch, yes, I carried you up here so you could be more comfortable. Then you looked like you were having a bad dream so I laid down next to you and before I knew it I had fallen asleep too."

"Ohhh now it all makes sense" She laughed a little then continued to speak "Well aren't you going to be in trouble for not being at your hotel?"

"No they don't care where we go or what we do as long as we are there for our scheduled practices and warm ups" I gave her a smirk hoping she would ask me what time I had to get going to be there.

"Well that's cool! It must be fun to be in the competition, what's it like? oh and what time do you have to leave at?" She was very curious this morning but that's alright, I love talking to her.

"It's not as stressful as most people say it is and honestly I love it. When we- I mean when I'm on stage it's such an adrenaline rush,I mean don't get me wrong the nerves are crazy before hand but once you're actually out there it comes so easily. Oh and I don't have to be there until noon, why do you ask?" I think that was a good description but I can't believe I almost slipped up! I hope she doesn't catch it.

"I wanted to know so that I could figure out if I had enough time to make breakfast!" She had a big smile on her face as she jumped off the bed and ran out of the room to the kitchen.

I slowly got out of the bed and followed the same path that Nikki did to get to the kitchen. God, I'm so thankful she didn't catch my slip up, it would've ruined the whole surprise.

~•Nikki's POV•~

As I started pulling put the ingredients to make pancakes I let my mind wander. How come Niall started to say we and then and then switched to saying I? He was probably referring to the other contestants. My thoughts were interrupted when someone's arms snaked around my waist. I tried to ignore the sparks from his touch.

It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now