Chapter Eighteen

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~•Nikki's POV•~

I was speechless; I literally had no words to say other than it was breathless. I saw Niall looking at me from the corner of my eye. I turned to him and just stared at him. I looked at how he was dressed and I memorized his facial features. This boy right in front of me; I now know that he really does care. These past months most have killed him.

"You did all this for me?" I asked still not believing what I saw.

"Every bit of it; I wanted to prove to you that I really do care and that not seeing or speaking to you over the past year has made me realize how amazing you are and how stupid I was for not following you that day you walked out." He explained.

"I believe you" Is all I said before I turned back to the beautiful scene in front of me; I saw him smile at my comment.

Niall had laid a blanket down on the beach and had set up a small picnic and candles were laying all around the blanket in the sand. The sun was starting to set which made the scene even more breath-taking.

Taking my hand Niall walked me over to the blanket and we sat down. He started to pull some food out of the basket. I think it was pasta but I wasn't sure.

"Did you make the food to or did you get Harry to make it?" I questioned.

"I made most of it, Harry just coached me so I wouldn't screw it up" he laughed "Let's just hope it tastes decent"

"I'm sure it'll taste fine" I smiled.

"Well lets find out" He said as he put some pasta on a plate and handed it to me and some on a plate for himself as well.

He handed me a fork and we tried it at the same time. I personally thought it tasted pretty good, especially because he made it and not Harry.

"It doesn't taste bad at all, I think you're a better cook than you claim to be" I laughed.

"Thanks" he paused and then spoke again "It definitely tastes better than I thought it would too"

We talked and caught up for most of the night and I have to say it was nice to catch up. I was only dreading one thing. The one thing that he hasn't mentioned or asked about yet but I knew it was coming. . . and soon. We've been talking for about an hour now and we could only see because of the candle light.

"I know you probably won't want to answer this but was there anything more that you were going to tell me about that night in the bathroom?" he asked. And there it was, the dreaded question I've been trying to avoid the whole night.

"I guess if we're going to start over right you need to know what I've gone through" I spoke, Niall nodded for me to continue, oh gosh this is where everything comes out, he's going to know everything but it's for the best.

"When I was fourteen years old m parents were brutally murdered. I had come home from school and stepped inside my house only to wish I never did. I don't know if you heard about it on the news but it was the biggest story at the time. My parents were on the kitchen floor. They had been shot multiple times in the chest and abdomen. I immediately had phoned the police and they were there in minutes, they said that the homicide was linked to a series of other homicides that had happened the year before"

"That was your parents? Wait you were the blonde girl that they interviewed on the tv?" Niall asked, he was shocked I knew it. I just nodded my head and continued to tell him everything that's happened to me in the past five years.

"I went to live with Margaret and her family for the rest of high school. They didn't want to see me in an orphanage and the treated me like their own. They were given money monthly to help pay for any expenses that I might need so it wasn't too hard on them."

"During High school you know Zayn and I had dated and I don't know if you've noticed these or not" I said as I moved my bracelets out of the way from hiding my scars, Niall just nodded which meant that he has.

"I started cutting after my parents were killed but stopped when I met Zayn in my last year of high school, but when dumped me and started to bully me it started again. And then I met you" I finished explaining. I looked at him and waited. I waited for him to leave, o speak, to do something but he just looked at me and smiled.

"I'm glad you told me all this, I would've never known what you were dealing with and I wouldn't be able to help you through any of it either." He spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You still cut don't you? I can see the fresh scars" He said as he took my wrist and traced one of the scars I made just a week ago "I understand why you do it but please stop" he begged.

"It's the only way I can let out my frustration though" I answered back.

"We will figure something out, I'm just glad that Zayn isn't responsible for most of these" he whispered.

"Once he 'disappeared' I stopped cuz I didn't have to deal with him but occasionally when I get depressed, it just happens" I said almost to quietly .

"We should probably head home its almost 8" Niall stated as he got up and helped me up.

He then blew out the candles and picked everything up. He reached for my hand and I took his in mine as we walked back to his car.

The car ride home was relaxing and calm. We listened to the radio and talked some more. Mostly about the boys' upcoming concerts and the fact that Niall going away isn't going to be easy when it comes to helping me with my problem.

What we came up with is that we would try to Skype every night and if I ever got depressed, upset, or just missed him then I would call him. I felt better about this because I knew that we could get through this.

Niall parked the car outside my building and we sat in a comfortable silence before he got out and walked around to my side to open my door.

"Why thank you good sir" I said in a posh accent.

"You're very welcome ma'am" He said back as we both laughed. I don't know how many times I've thought this tonight but it feels good to be around Niall again. Everything feels normal now.

Niall placed his arm over my shoulders and we continued to walk up to the building. When we got inside we went over to the lift and got in. Niall pushed the seventh floor and the doors close.

When we reached mine and Margaret's flat Niall stopped me before I put the key in the door.

"Nikki, I want to take you out again, I had a great time catching up with you and I want to do this again" He said as he pointed between me and him.

"Yeah, I would like that" I smiled and Niall smiled back.

~•Niall's POV•~

I smiled at Nikki when she said she would like to go hang out again.

Tonight wasn't over yet, I still had one more thing to do.

"Nikki" I started

"Yeah Ni" she smiled as she looked at me.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked. As she thought about my question she started to smile and bite her lip.

She looked up into my eyes as I looked down to her and she nodded her head "Yes" was all she said.

I smiled before I leaned down and our lips connected. It was a gentle kiss, nothing to heated or passionate, just pure sweet and simpleness.



And there you have it guys! What you've all been waiting for :D They kissed!!!!!

Okay on a more serious note I'm having trouble coming up with a ship name for Nikki and Niall. You know because both their names begin with 'n' haha.

Anyway comment a name you think I should use as a ship name :)

Always and Forever  


It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now