Chapter Two

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~•Margaret's POV•~

When Sally brought out Nikki's dessert I couldn't help but be jealous, I mean c'mon who wouldn't be?! you have this really cute blonde guy paying your bill and getting you dessert. The best part, he doesn't even know her!!

"Is that a phone number?" I asked quizzically.

"Yea, this is so cute, it's all written with the chocolate syrup" Nikki sounded more than enthusiastic about the blonde boys gesture.

*Back at Nikki's Flat*

"So are you going to call him?" I decided to save being nosey for when we got back to the flat.

"Uhm, maybe I'll just text him, you know, so I don't seem so desperate cuz I mean we just got home do they're probably still siting in Nandos" Nikki was just guessing I could tell plus she's phone shy. She doesn't like to call random strangers, she only talks to her friends over the phone, everyone else is through text messages.

"You're probably right, text him now! find out his name!" I think I was more excited than Nikki was about all this.

~•Nikki's POV•~

"Okay, okay I will don't get your panties in a bunch" I was starting to get a little annoyed. I didn't want to talk to this person but Margaret won't stop till I do, so I texted him

*Text Convo*

Me: Hi, this is the girl from Nandos

Blonde Boy: Oh hey! I'm still at Nandos, I just wanted to let you know that you're beautiful

Me: Oh. . . thank you, I guess

Blonde Boy: Wait didn't the syrup say to call me? not text me? :P

Me: Yea sorry, I'm phone shy.

*End of Text Convo*

Almost immediately after I sent that last text a number appeared on my screen. I slide the green answer but and said "Hello?" it came out more as a question rather than a statement.

"Hey" A thick Irish accent was clearly heard in the boys voice.

"So who are you anyway?" I questioned

"I'm Niall Horan" so the blonde boy does have a name!

"Hi Niall, I'm Nicole but me friends call me Nikki" is introduced

"So now I can save your name into my phone" it sounded like he had a big grin on his face but I couldn't see it.

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'

"So was there something you wanted to ask me or did you just want my number?" I asked trying to get to the point of this phone convo.

"Uhm yea there was actually" Niall stated but he sounded a bit nervous.

"Well??" I coaxed "What was it?" I asked as I gave a little giggle

It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now