Chapter Eleven

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~•Niall's POV•~

I don't know why I was so angry with Zayn. All he did was date Nikki, he didn't do anything wrong, Other than bullying her but I'll have to have a talk with him about that later. Nikki on the other hand, she lied to me and betrayed the trust we shared. I thought she told me anything. When she told me this secret I couldn't believe that she kept something so important from me. How could she not tell me that her and Zayn dated, let alone that he bullied her for a short time?!

I couldn't talk to Nikki at all. I was disappointed in her and what had happened. I decided to just not talk to her until I was ready. . . if I ever became ready, I was hurt and also the band was doing pretty well in the competition so things got busier.

~•Margaret's POV•~

"Look Nikki, I know you're upset that Niall hasn't spoken to you in a week but you need to get up and do something. Oh I know! Lets go to the park! Oh or we could go for a run or go to Starbucks!" I exclaimed. I was trying to seem happy and peppy for the both of us but nothing was working, I couldn't get her up.

"Nah, I think I'm going to just go take a nap or something." She stated.

~•Nikki's POV•~

I walked into my room and left Margaret to sit on the couch. I picked up my phone and decided to text Kara.

*Text Convo*

Me: hey

Kara: hey, how are you?

Me: I'm doing alright. Niall is still avoiding me :/

Kara: yea I've noticed. Don't worry he'll come around, I'm sure of it

Me: I hope so, I miss talking to him but he ignores my calls and texts. . . idk what to do

Kara: I have an idea. . . Skype in 5 min?

Me: of course! I'd love to

*End of Text Convo*

Not even five minutes later I got a Skype request from Kara so of course I accepted it. We talked for a little bit and it turns out she was actually sitting backstage at one of the many rehearsals that the boys had for the show before their performance. I watched their performances every week and tonight wouldn't be any different. I loved watching their video diaries too, they were just so funny.

"Why don't you stop by their hotel tonight? We're having another movie night. . ." Kara said as she trailed off.

"I think I'll pass tonight but thanks for the offer" I smiled.

"Hey Kara who are ya talking to?" I heard someone say, he sounded somewhat tired, probably from all the singing. A curly haired boy stepped into view of the camera and I looked at his emerald colored eyes. I've never seen such beautiful eyes before, well except for Niall's eyes. . . he's never going to talk to me, I can feel it.

"I'm talking to Nikki" she smiled up at Harry.

"Ah I see. . . Hey Nikki! Haven't seen you in a while, how come you haven't come over? Oh and you have to meet Isabel, Louis is starting to fancy her and she nice." He informed me.

"Hey Harry and yea I'll have to come visit you guys soon but you seem so busy." I tried to avoid being invited somewhere because I knew Niall didn't want to see me.

"We'll hey we gotta run, I'll text you, k?!" Kara stated.

"Okay, I'll make sure to have my phone, see ya" I said as I hit the end button on the screen.

It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now