"I will remember that. I will miss you so much. I will text you when I can." I told her. I broke our hug and grabbed my suitcase. Louis put his disguise back on and went to the car. I put my suitcase in his trunk and we drove into London.

"I think that you will like the other guys." He said.

"I know that there is a reason that you wanted me to come. What is it?" I asked him. Anytime he invited me or asked me to do something, he had a plan behind it. I couldn't figure it out on this one.

"I made a promise to you and I plan on keeping it." He said.

"No, there is more. What do you want from me?" I asked him. This time I used a stern tone with him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I think that you and Niall would be a cute couple. He is alone, you are alone, the two of you would be great!" He told me.

"What if I end up not liking Niall or he not liking me?" What is wrong with him? I don't need someone making my love decisions!

"Then I am going to have to deal with it, now aren't I?" He said. We didn't talk for the rest of the very long and tiresome journey. He made a wrong turn somewhere and we ended up going to Birmingham. When we finally made it in London, it was about 4 o'clock. He pulled up into, what looked like, a mansion. The gates opened and let us in. He parked the car and got out. I followed. He grabbed my suitcase and took it inside.

"So here is where we live. We will live on a bus, at some point." He told me. He set my suitcase down, in a large entry way with a grand stair case, and walked into the living room.

"BOYS! CARA IS HERE!" He screamed. It has always annoyed me when he did that.I then heard people walking towards us.

"Hi! I am Liam." I heard a person say. I turned around and I saw him standing there.

"And I am Zayn." I turned around to the other voice.

"I am Niall." Said a voice from the kitchen.

"Hello, I am Harry." I saw Harry standing in by the couch.

"Hi, guys. I am Cara." I told them. I shook Liam and Zayn's hands. Niall then came out of the kitchen and gave me a hug. Harry stayed by the couch.

"Okay guys. I am going to take Cara to her room." Louis said. He walked out of the room and back to the staircase. He grabbed my suitcase and took upstairs. I followed him. He brought me to a guest room. It had it's own bathroom and it was decorated like a country house. It was very nice.

"My room is next door, one the other side is Liam, across the hall is Zayn, and down the hall is Niall and Harry." He told me. He set the suitcase on my bad and he sat on it.

"Thanks, this is really lovely!" I told him.

"Tomorrow we will be having a gig and after that we are going to go out for drinks. Is that okay with you?" He asked.

"Louis, that is great."

"Great, I guess that you might want to get comfortable. I will get you when dinner is here." He said as he left the room. I opened my suitcase and started to empty the contents into the closet, the bathroom, and the dresser. A couple of minutes, after Louis left, I heard a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I called out. The door opened and Harry walked in.

"Hello, I was wondering if you had a boyfriend." He asked in a sexy voice. I have heard from Louis that Harry is a bit of a flirt.

"Louis is my cousin and your best friend. I suggest that you turn your charm off." I told him. I could tell that he had never had a woman tell him that.

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