To Natsuko's surprise, The Duke was grabbing her hand, "We should go too."

Natsuko smiled and stopped Aang who was trying to come with them along with Katara who held Aang's staff, "You guys go... I think we need to talk about some things."

"Sorry, buddy, next time it is." Natsuko ruffled The Duke's hair and waved them goodbye, "Don't do anything stupid."

"No promises!" Teo waved back and raced with the two other kids with him before walking towards Toph and Sokka to talk about the other problem they had, "Why can't I go?"

"We need to decide what we're gonna do now and since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this." Aang looked at the others and saw Natsuko, "Well, you got the spirit of the Avatar, maybe she should be the one to decide."

"Boy." Aang reluctantly sat on a slab of stone with a soft thud, crossing his arm after, "Fair enough."

"So what's the new plan?"

Sokka puts a finger to his chin, "Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan. You just need to master all four elements and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes."

Although his plan was better than nothing and his enthusiasm also contagious, Aang wasn't too convinced with the idea, "Oh, yeah, that's great, no problem, I'll just do that."

"Aang, no one said it's gonna be easy." Aang began playing with the rocks which made it more obvious to know that he didn't want to continue discussing the plan, "Well, it's not even gonna be possible. Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?"

Katara started thinking before pitching an idea, "We could look for Jeong Jeong."

"Yeah, right." Aang rolled his eyes, "Like we'll ever run into Jeong Jeong again."

Sokka looked at Natsuko, "Maybe you could teach him what you know."

"Then it's settled." Aang stood up before Natsuko could even speak, "It's better to know the basics instead of just not knowing."

And with that, he suggested of taking a nice tour around the temple and ran away from them, using his glider to get away from them for the meantime. Natsuko knew this all too well, letting him move around for a bit, "What's up with him?"

"There's got to be someone who can teach him firebending." Katara began thinking and so did Toph. Sokka looked at Natsuko, "Anyone in mind?"

Katara smiled at her, "Yeah, literally. Maybe another Avatar could help us."

"The Avatar's before couldn't teach Aang to firebend." Natsuko shrugged, "I got an idea, but there's no guarantee you'll like it."

"Let's hear it then." everybody around Natsuko listened to what she has to say, "Avatar Roku was from the Fire Nation, it could mean that his family could be born firebenders. I suggest that we talk to them, tell them about Aang's situation, maybe they'll teach us."

"But?" of course there was a but.

She sighed, "But I recall that Roku only had one child but I'm not sure."

"Great, let's get Aang and find them." Toph jumped down from the stone and they all were preparing to get Aang.

"You didn't let me finish." Natsuko pouted.

"Maybe you could ask Avatar Roku anything else." Katara placed a hand on Natsuko who shook her head at Katara's smile. They all went to Appa whose armor is being taken off as she kept on trying to voice out what other problems they were not aware of.

"Let's go."

She decided to tell them when Aang was with them. Appa groaned and they situated Natsuko who was sitting in a cross legged position in the center so she wouldn't fall off, deafening her surroundings and just letting her sleep more than the usual.

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