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I put my hands on my head as I watched Hannibal get a tattoo.

He wanted this so bad.

The tattoo artist was even begging me to let him get it. Even jet.

It's their grandma's name over his heart. So I was okay with that.

We've done a lot so far. Me and Jet both took off from our jobs to do a few things. We went bungee jumping two days ago and I peed on myself.

I was relying on a rope on my ankle to keep me from falling into a body of water. So hell yes I peed.

Now today he's getting this tattoo.

"All finished". He wiped his chest off and helped him out the chair to the mirror.

"This is nice". He looked at the block cursive with a smile.

"Thank you"

"No thank you". He gave him a hug and put his sweatshirt back on after he wrapped it up. I paid the man since Hanny is satisfied.

We left out the place and Jet sighed.

"If she starts to get on your nerves or she mistreats you I'll be there in a heart beat". I rolled my eyes.

"Suck my fuckin ass. Say bye to your brother before we're late". They hugged for a long time before I helped him in my truck. I flicked Jet off and he shook his head and blew me a kiss.

I got in the driver's seat.

"I can't believe you just got a tattoo". He put his seat belt on before turning on the radio..

"I know. Me either". I shook my head and drove off.

One of the things on the list is for him to spend a week with me. He said he was getting tired of being with Jet all the time. And I don't blame him.

I got us some food before heading to Theo's job to bring him food.

One we go there we went to the 12th floor of this building downtown were most of his pictures are taken.

I waved at familiar faces and saw my baby looking so sexy. He had on this Nike sweat suit looking amazing.

Hannibal handed me his drink and ran to him.

"Theo!". He looked up from the camera and picked him up. Ever since I introduced them to each other not to long ago, they get inseparable when they're together.

"Wassup man?". He looked at me and licked his lips. "Why you let my woman walk up here looking so fine? I might have to fight a couple niggas". He grabbed my waist.

"She can't help that she's beautiful". I smiled.

"Thank you". I looked back at my baby and kissed his lips. "I brought you food".

"Thank Jesus". He took us to his dressing room so we could eat in peace. He closed the door and Sat next to me on the couch while Hannibal sat at the vanity.

"So how'd the tattoo go?". I rolled my eyes and sipped my drunk.

"She was a nervous wreck the whole time". I smacked my lips.

"No I wasn't".

"Yessss she was. She was looking over the man's shoulder every ten seconds". He lifted his sweatshirt so Theo could see it.

"That looks really nice".

"Thank you". He smiled with a mouth full of chicken nuggets.

"I'm so ready to get home". He put his sandwich down and put his head in my lap.

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