Lunch was a luxury enjoyed at 3pm at the hotel with Matt and all of the Only Lovers crew before they changed for the evening and the whole circus started again.

"So it's all good between you and your friend?" Tilda asked as she skewered a piece of lettuce.

Tom blushed a little and pretended his nicoise was the most interesting thing he'd seen in ages. Considering the grief she and the other's had given him when he'd ordered it – it should be. Hey it was clichéd to order a nicoise but it was damned good and well when in Rome um France..............

"So better than good then?" she laughed.

Matt rolled his eyes.

"You have no idea!"

Tom threw him a look.

"I've already told you nothing was happening man!"

"She forgave me and we're back on track – as friends," he said shovelling some more egg into his mouth before the questions could continue.

"Thank you for your advice," he added when he'd swallowed his mouthful and had a moment to regain his composure.

Tory and kissing her was something he didn't want to talk about, it had been a private, beautiful moment – one of those perfect little moments.

Well until Marcus and Matt had sprung them.

He and Tory had jumped apart like scalded cats when the door opened – neither man had apologised clearly miffed at being called into action by worried minders.

"It's called a mobile for a reason mam," Marcus had told her. Tory hated mam and Marcus knew it and although they were usually a lot more familiar with each other when they were alone, he was out to make a point. It wasn't lost on Tory or Tom for that matter (though Matt laughing behind his hand lessened the impact a little).

Tory's family had been thrown for a tailspin - her uncle couldn't get hold of her, her new private secretary, who had arrived late with another member of the security team, couldn't locate her either.

So Marcus, who had been enjoying a late coffee and catching up with Matt in the restaurant (apparently), was called into the fray – he had a very good idea where she was and the means to spring her.

So he did.

If his evening was going to be ruined then so bloody hell would hers.

Marcus had rung in to say she'd been located and was fine.

Given the hour and the black cloud that followed Matt into the room, they'd headed to bed with no more real contact.

He hadn't seen her since. The movie had taken priority - though they had texted a few times. Nothing mushy just that she was thinking of him and wishing him luck and a picture of her and Ben dressed up for their screening and interview session.

Tom had been a touch jealous. Ben was all in black looking casual but not too casual. He seemed to compliment Tory who'd chosen an Alexander McQueen sheath dress, white with a blue and black pattern. It hugged her curves in the same way both he, and her much shorter dress had last night.

"So has she seen you in that suit young man?" Tilda asked breaking through his thoughts like a well intentioned sledgehammer.

"Well only the picture Matt took of us, I haven't seen her since we talked last night," he said before sipping his wine and smiling over their little "talk" – well lips and tongues were involved so it was talking – it was the oldest language, the language of love he thought (cringing a little at the walking cliché he'd become today but feeling too sappy and elated to worry much). He's kissed Tory and she'd kissed him back. Were they a couple? Was that what was happening?

The Lost Princess (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction) Wattpad FeaturedWhere stories live. Discover now