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Copyright © ClaraRodrick (Lara Ruze) ™ 2016

The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved.

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A handful of soil - slightly wet with his tears, Evan slipped it inside the small velvet pouch.

It was a little difficult to hold Julius flush to his chest in one arm and pouring the soil in the pouch with the other... but he couldn't realize the difficulty for the agony he was feeling inside.

Evan stared at the grave stone before him and read the words craved up on it with moist eyes, another punch of pain pierced his chest as he did so.

In Loving Memory of Zessica Stewart. Beloved daughter, wife, mother and friend.


Her name tumbled out of his mouth in a croak. It felt like he was poisoned and the poison was slowly yet painfully spreading all over his trembling body travelling through his throbbing veins. The idea of living a life, where loud was the absence of the woman he fell in love with and passed so many years in marriage bond - was absurd.

But he knew, he had to. He had to live, he had to hide and lock this pain of losing her deep inside his heart. He felt Julius moving a little in his arms and making little sniffling sounds, the little one might have felt his father's chest rumble in heaving sobs.

For his child, for the last gift of Zess to him he would have to learn to live with this pain.

When he fell to his knees on the ground - head bowed down, Julius began wailing too. Evan's grip around his newborn child tightened a bit more, he was clutching on to the only hope of his life.



Evan was startled awake from his deep sleep. The room was still drowned in darkness. Reaching out he touched his eyes slowly, they were itching irritably - like always whenever he slept and had the nightmare replay over and over again, a nightmare that was very much a reality. But tears wouldn't come like in reality, those moist drops never dropped from his eyes ever after that day.

Exhaling a shaky breath silently he sat up on the couch. Once again he had fallen asleep on the couch, at least it was more comfortable than his bed. Nowadays sleeping in the bed meant staring at the empty side of it for the whole night.

With sleepy eyes Evan looked around, he wasn't still sure of what actually had caused him wake up from his slumber but he did notice the eerily quite environment. It was too quiet - too silent.

Something was wrong! He thought and shifted slightly to have a better look around the whole living room after rubbing the leftover sleep away from his eyes.

For a long moment his eyes stopped at the direction of Julius's nursery, the door was creaked open a little with faint blue dim light seeping out. Little boy was having a goodnight's sleep peacefully over there too, the baby monitor proved that as well. Then what was wrong? He wondered.

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