Start from the beginning

I didn't fight to get up anymore. I simply broke eye contact with Scorpius, and got back in my bed. I sat up, and stared at all the family surrounding my bed. My mother was sobbing into her hands, my uncles arm was around her shoulder, and he looked like he hadn't been crying at all. He looked exactly how I felt. Broken. Albus and Harley were looking at me with wide eyes, Harley was crying, but Albus looked to be putting a brave face on just for her. But I could tell he was fighting it. Victorie and Teddy just stared at the ground, unsure whether they could really look at me. Hugo and Erin were holding hands tightly, and Hugo looked destroyed, and angry. His hair was disheveled, and his eyes were wide and red. The headmistress's mouth was a thin line, and her eyes were very shiny. And I couldn't look at Scorpius. Because I knew if I looked at him, into those eyes, I'd see the truth. And I'd break down. So I avoided eye contact, and continued to look at my family with a blank expression. Physically, I felt stiff, and sore. Mentally, I felt nothing. I was completely numb... "I would like to know what happened in Borgin and Burkes." I stated loud and firmly. Everyone seemed a little taken aback and hesitated, and I watched with raised eyebrows as everyone looked at Harry. I stared into his green eyes, and he stared into my sapphire. Everything was silent, but I knew he was going to tell me the cold, hard truth. I deserved the truth, and he knew it. "Once we realized where they'd be hiding you, we ran to get you. But it was a trap. They wanted us to come." He said in a very emotionless voice.. "Draco Malfoy has been under the imperious curse for years apparently. Once Dolohov escaped Azkaban, he went to Malfoy Manor, hoping for a friend to follow him in his mission to seek revenge. But when Draco refused, he cursed him. Well, once we left Hogwarts to find you, Draco used the vanishing cabinet. He was able to sneak into the room of requirement, and get Jake out of captivity. Serves us right, we shouldn't have left him unsupervised..." He whispered. I saw his eyes glaze for a second, but he closed his eyes, and when he opened them I saw the same look he had before, complete nothingness... "Then, we found out once we got there that Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. They had been off the grid for years, I don't know where they came from. We don't know how they were found yet, but we know Draco had something to do with it. Once we got there, the fight broke out. I remember seeing Scorpius punching Dolohov in the face... I yelled for you to run... But the second you left the store, there was a flash of green light- Lucius had fired a curse- Ron... Your dad... He- I couldn't save- he's... He's gone, Rosie... It was their plan from the start... They assumed you'd be dead, that you'd slowly and painfully die... And then they were going to kill me and- your father... But the rest of the ministry showed up.,. Everyone is in prison now..." He finished quietly. My mother was staring at my bed sheets with wide, fearful eyes. Silent tears dripping down her face. Harry was still staring into my eyes. I heard a loud crash, and saw that Hugo had thrown a vase against a wall. Everyone watched silently as Hugo stormed out of the room. I decided now was a time to look into his eyes... I looked at Scorpius, and he was watching me closely. He was making sure I don't lose it like Hugo... But I was empty... I just couldn't feel anything... I felt broken, numb, inhuman... When I looked back at my Uncle, he let go of my mother and sat on my bed. "Please leave us alone." He whispered. Everyone nodded their heads and began to walk out of the room. All except my mother... She was looking at Harry with the same wide eyes, as if she wouldn't dare leave me alone.. Harry looked at her and quickly hugged her. I saw him whisper something in her ear, and I watched with empty feelings as my mother left the room silently, the same horrified expression never leaving her face... Harry sat back down on my bed and stared into my eyes. "So. One hell of a year huh?" I whispered. He shook his head, not even smirking. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything. "Your shutting it out too. Aren't you?" He asked quietly. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't feel anything. I'm fine. Really, I'm fine." I said with the same empty voice. I almost believed myself, too. I'm not hurting right? So I must be fine... Harry shook his head again. "Don't do what I do, Rose... We need to feel this..." He whispered. I shook my head, not showing any emotion. "I don't feel anything." I said simply. My Uncle leaned in, almost angrily, "he's dead, Rose." He hissed. My eyes snapped wide open, and my body stiffened and I felt a surge of anger course through my body. "Shut. Up." I whispered. "Your father, is dead." He said again. He continued to stare into my eyes aggressively, and my heart began to beat quickly. "Stop. Fighting it!" He yelled. "I'm not fighting anything! I just don't care!" I yelled, but some how, I didn't believe my own words this time... "Yes you do!" He bellowed. "You care! Your just in shock! Your father is DEAD! My best friend DIED seven days ago right next to me! He turned his back to make sure you were safe, and he DIED fighting for you! Protecting YOU! He's GONE!" He yelled, finally breaking down and crying. "HES NOT GONE!" I screamed, finally sobbing uncontrollably into my own hands. I felt his arms wrap around me and we began to cry together. "He's- not gone!" I sobbed loudly. "I'm so sorry Rose. I'm so sorry..." He whispered as he, too, sobbed into my hair. "No... Please don't leave me daddy...!" I cried out loud. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have ignored you! I should have let you know I love you! I'm so sorry!" I continued to scream. I pushed my Uncle away and I quickly got out of the bed. I began to throw and hit whatever I could as I let pain grip my heart. I knocked over the curtain that hid me from public sight, I threw the water glass against a wall, and I began to pull on my hair as I cried. "I'm so sorry daddy! I didn't mean it! I love you so much! Don't leave me, please come back!" I kept yelling, I needed him to hear me. I needed him to come back. I needed to tell him I'm sorry. He died thinking I was still angry. "Come back! Don't go... Come back... Come back.." I dropped to the floor and buried my face in my knees as I began to sob uncontrollably. I didn't care if people saw. I heard my uncle sniff, and I heard him walk away, farther and farther... I heard a door open, and after a short while, I heard it close... Suddenly I heard heavy steps, and felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately jumped to my feet. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I screamed, as I turned around, I saw a wide eyed, terrified Scorpius. I backed away, breathing and sobbing heavily all at once. He stepped closer, and I backed away. "No." Is all I could say. "Rose... Please..." He whispered, taking two steps closer, and I just backed away farther. Suddenly he rolled his eyes and ran at me, wrapping his arms around my body. "No! Let me go! Leave me alone!" I began to screech. But he held on tightly, and suddenly I broke down into sobs once again and slid down to the floor once more, and he followed me, still holding me tightly. I leaned against his chest as I cried. I thought of my dads sapphire eyes, and his flaming red hair... His quick temper which I took after... Our summers laughing... Before he left to be an auror all over again... I let my mind drift to when I was a little girl... To when my daddy would throw me in the air and catch me, making me laugh... Or when he taught me to ride a broom... Or when we'd all take a picnic out to the pond... Or when we'd fight... And yell at each other... I began to cry even harder. "Daddy... Don't leave me..." I whispered again, going completely limp and shutting my eyes tightly. Scorpius began to stroke my hair, whispering soothing words of "it's okay, shhh, I'm here for you." As I stared at the back of my eye lids. I didn't want to breathe. I wish I did die. I don't want to feel this. Why do I have to feel this... And that's the last thing I thought before I fell asleep in Scorpius's arms...

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now