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      Elaynes POV

    It was nice to be back home with everyone . I walked out and sat on my balcany, starring out to the sky I took a deep breathe I could feel the windy breeze of the nice cool beach air . When I looked straight ahead I saw Hayes he was looking at me like always he asked me if I wanted to go to the beach . Shure I yelled and it was late so I was guessing we werent going into the water , I went out and saw Hayes waiting for me we walked to the beach . I felt so relaxed and calm free I know ts not like I just vot out of a cancer treatment but it felt great because I was finally ok I didnt need to worry about death or pills or pain im glad I got out of the emergency room . Hayes sat down on the sand and patted the sandy spot near him quinng me to sit next to him I sat down it was a bit cold I rested my chin on my knees and he gave me his sweater it smelled like Axe , " Im glad your back I felt really sad and hopless to the thought of loosing you or to the thought of you not remembering who I was " . He said as I rested my head on his shoulder . I love you so much Hayes and the birthday card was amazing and that was the only thing that allowed me to remember us but I dont want to think about that right know we looked up at eachother and fell into a kiss I didnt miss him because of this I missed him because of our good times and freindship tho the kiss was very long and for the first time ill put out the word passionate . We finally were together for what had seemed a long time I wasnt afraid to held back in the moment , I started to giggle a little bit I felt something go in my mouth I guess he took it seriously when I saw Forever is a long time to be walking on fine line . We had a fine line and we had passed it in that moment he wasnt on top of me or anything it was simply nothing like Shawn and Jannah or Riley and Cam or the other way since they've switched partners . We walked home and into my house that night I went out again to my balcany and Hayes was out to standing up with his hands on the terrace .
- He shouted Im glad your back I love you so much .
- I whispered I love you too , goodnight .
- Goodnight he said . 

    The next morning I went over the Griers house played with Skyylyn for awhile , then went to do a Im back video with Nash and Skyy . After that Hayes decided to tale me on a walk around the park , he had dropped me off home and said he would text later .

     * 35 minutes later *

    I didnt get a text I simply got a call from a blocked number my heart started to beat because of the thought of Maddison
- Hello
- Yes , im calling because of a pizza delivery and a side of Cesar salad with fresh picked and dipped in chocolate strawberries for the beautiful lady you should go out to your balcany .
- I laughed through the phone knowing it was Hayes I said ok and a shakey and quirry voice .

     He climbed up my window thanks to the peach tree that crossed my room and the backyard he came up and we sat next to eachother eating on our mini picnic . When he left I never even noticed because I was so tired I just felt myself being picked up and taken to my bed and a kiss on my cheek I wispered I love you . The next day it was rainy and I decided to stay home and watch movies . I was so relaxed and suprised that I have'nt heard from Hayes , a couple of hours later I see a text from him , go outside to your balcany. I went out in the pooring rain and it was Hayes I yelled out , your so crazy Ben he shouted back Only for you . I climed down my peach tree and tripped into his arms . We started to dance in the rain untill my mom cameout and told us we would catch a cold .

          * 3 weeks past *

- Elayne sweetie Hayes , Nash , and Daniel are waiting for you to come down .
- Ok mom be down in a sec.
- Oh m little baby is going to England....
- Mom its only for a month then youll see me in Portugal .
- Ya I know but Ill miss you and Daniel . " She start to cry "

    Digi was going international with Magcon thanks to my Summer tour . I couldnt believe we got this far .

       * 5 hours later *

    Hello Welcome to Buffington , England I hope you enjoy your stay , untill next time thank you for traveling with Jet Blue .

The Number Of Infinities That Holds Our Love ( A Hayes Grier Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now