Its Me...

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Hayes POV

The party was going great people were singing they were in the pool some dancing . It wasnt my birthday but I was pretty lucky myself Elayne was so hyped up she kept kissing me we played spin the bottle and we had 3 makeout sessions with me . Then Truth or Dare Andrea made us go and stay in a tub full of pepsi with only our heads in . Carter one of course then I had a plan to take Elayne to the beach walk around for a while and lay and look at the stars at around 11 . I was too happy and hyped to relize that Maddison was around . At around 10:50 I sent a txt saying Hey babe come to the beach in 5 min youll love it down bring your phone . Ilysfm HBD . It was around 11:10 when I went to see were she was and as I crossed the street there she was I cant explain dead lying on the ground blood all over her arm and forehead almost like the intro to Marron 5 Maps . She couldnt breathe I called Nash and Cam called 911 and our moms . After that I got a text saying I told that bitch I told you . I stated tearing I knew who it was obviously news reporters came saying internet sensation is unconcious in the front of her family beachouse . THEY PRACTICALY WERE REPORTING HER DEAD I COULDNT HANDLE IT I YELLED SHES NOT DEAD !!!!
I wish I was able to say that Elayne kept her simple but beautiful ora of suffictacation in that moment....Forever..........?¿infinitie....Us...Ok...?¿

*2 hours later*

She was in the ICU I went in to see her she had her eyes closed her hands were cold but still her hands her nails were painted this baby blue-green color that I picked out when we went to the mall I love her . She opened er eyes and I asked do you remember me . No she answered who are you were am I I cried even more not knowing what to say the doctor said it would take long for her to aprehend what happened and who everyone was...I still had hope she would remember . " You dont get to choose if you get hurt in this world but you do have saying in who hurts you " . She once said ~TFIOS~

The Number Of Infinities That Holds Our Love ( A Hayes Grier Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now