Layes ?¿ Us

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Elaynes POV

I had a great time with Hayes but I was tired tht night so I feel right onto bed and the next morning I woke up to a bunch of texts from Hayes saying , "Hey , I good time tonight , Hey Are u sleeping , Elayne , Ok Goodnight I love you babe , Hey goodmorning , r u still sleeping , Layws ikr it our ship name well we r coming over soon . Then I went brushed my teeth took a shower brushed my hair in a ponytail and went downstairs were everyone was in the living room and outside it scared me cause it was Sunday at 12:30 these people are active . After that I went in the kitchen mom had breakfast ready for me like always then I went outside we're the girls were in the pool and the boys were playing football . I decided to go back in my room , luckly Hayes oh im sorry Layes didnt notice me . I put on my bathing suit and I went on youtube and I was watching Hayes Nash and Cams chubby bunny challenge its still so weird . After Hayes came in and asked me if I was alright and I said ya everythings perfect we went downstairs into the backyard . I sat next to Jannah and Izzy relizing that they're boyfreinds both Shawn and Nash were sneaking up on them . They picked the girls up and threw them in the water I burst into a loud laugh it was that funny then Hayes went and sat beside me , he was wet and I was dry which made me cold . I went and closed my eyes and he was taking to me but because he thought I was ignoring he figured that he had to throw me in the water , he did . I wasnt pissed I was just angry I gave him the silent treatment that didnt last cause he tickled me and the he kissed me he knew that , that would make me say something . After I went and played with Skyylyn and we made some vines of her trying to play football .

The Number Of Infinities That Holds Our Love ( A Hayes Grier Fanfiction )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon