The Party

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Hayes POV

I came back home around 10 she was in the kitchen making breakfast for the boys . I snuck behind her goodmorning Happy Valentines Day and I kissed her . She said , " Happy Valentines Day " to you too I relized she was having trouble taking out the pancake mix so I helped her make them while she did the eggs she yelled out Boyz Break... by the time shecould have said they were all in the island ready . Cam asked if we could through a party and she said shure Jannah said " Perfect Riley can come shes in LA this weekend Elayne " Nice she said I insisted on us going to the beach and then go eat . For our date we went upstairs to get ready I put on my Aero swim shorts my Roxy shirt and left to get things ready to leave . She came down and we walked to the beach it was 2 min away , then after we went to Carabas we had a great time it was nice to be alone for once . We got back home and the party had started we went to our got in the shower ( seperatly ) while I was waiting for her I decided to get her close for her I took out her aquablue croptop with her skater skirt and her Jack Rodgers . She loved it of course then she picked out my outfit it was simply my Coca-Cola shirt and my tan Billabong shorts , Vans . Jannah & Shawn Cam & Riley talking in the couch . Elayne waved and we sat with them . After awhile Jannah and Shawn went somewhere and we were left alone , we went to look after Shawn & Jannah I opened our bedroom door and there they were Shawn shirtless on top of Jannah , I cleared my throat and they never noticed they were very into it I guess we didnt want to ruine their session . We left laughing I asked Elayne I dont think well ever be like that , she said ya cause we take things slow . A couple of very long minutes later we went outside were Nash was with Izzy she came to visit too we stayed in the pool , Shawn went downstairs to talk he said Jannah was getting something she was taking a little to long so Elayne went to go help . They were taking to long so I went to check and I saw Elayne sad in Nashs' arms I asked what happened what did he do Nash just said , " He would never do anything to his little sister . " I agreed . He let her go and she walked with me out into the beach and she said " Why do we have so much drama it tires me Hayes ? " I came closer and hugged her and just said I know but we are always together . " Forever she mummbled to me . We went back to our rooms and I gave her , her present it was Pandora bracelette with a heart charm . She loved it of course . " Know my turn " , she said she went downstairs and came back stuggling with a 8 ft. red pennyboard with my name in a navy blue color . I smiled and gave her a massive bear hug and she kissed me but not as passionally as Shawn and Jannah did .

* 2 months *

Elaynes Birthday is today , April 17 we are on Vacation and we are in her house in Miami with a bunch of her freinds her mom is with my mom in a spa we promised we would take care of it this year and we did it was pool/beach turning 14 I got up early today and made her breakfast with Nash and Matt . When Jack G walks up with Maddison she smiled and said " Hey long time no see . " Nash bluttered out Whats up what are you doing her ??? " " Elayne invited me . " she said showing us the text ot was true I said ok then Jack took her to his room . We werent shure why she was here why Elayne would possibly invite her to her birthday party Maddison of all people I guess she wanted to fix things which I was ok with if she was .

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