I let the warm water fall over my skin as I sighed in relief.

if only I could wash away the memory of him


I scrunched the towel throughout my hair a few more times as the pads of my feet were swept across the cold tile leading out of the bathroom and onto the lush carpet of my room.

I threw the towel into my hamper before plopping on my bed, crossing one leg and letting the other dangle off the edge.

I instantly went to YouTube, typing in "Brand New- Jesus Christ" I had loved that song when I was younger. I mean ; who didn't have that 2006 emo phase? They were one of my go to bands.

The song always spoke to me, made my heart race faster. It was the weirdest thing but I felt a part of the lyrics.

'cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark

As those lyrics swept by my eyes motioned downwards to my hand where I twisted the ring around.

I shut my eyes and listened to the song, breathing a bit heavier.

I know you think that I'm someone you can trust, But I'm scared I'll get scared and I swear I'll try to nail you back up

I wiped at my eyes, opening them back up as I clicked repeat on the song, going over to twitter where my fingers hovered over the keyboard for a few seconds.

I bit my lip before typing in the 12 letters, one by one.

Luke Hemmings.

I clicked on his profile, seeing that I was still following him yet he never followed me back since last time.

God this was ten times worse then when he first left. I remember crying my eyes out everynight, getting drunk, and listening to Amnesia on repeat.

I really wish that song was my reality.

I scrolled down to his first tweet, seeing he posted a photo with Ashton. It was an older photo from when they were first forming. He captioned it,

No matter what or who comes between us, you'll always be my number 1 :-)

I bit my lip, tears brimming my eyes as I clicked the view more in order to see the repsonses. All iw as left with was the rude responses from fans threatening who ever made him upset, referrring to previous tweets where he wrote sad lyrics.

Whoever made you this way should die

I love you Luke!! F other people. You boys don't need no one

Ew is this about that bitch who was spotted with Ashton?

My eyes ran fast across each tweet, left to right, left to right.

I quickly went back to the searchbar and typed in Ashtons name, as I did a suggestion popped up,

Ashton mystery girl

Upon clicking on the words, a page full of photos appeared in front of me. It was Ashton leaning in to kiss me as I held onto his arms.

His head was tilted with eyes closed, scruff visible as his messy hair covered one eye. Muscular arms wrapped around me, one on my hip the other on one cheek.

You couldn't make out my face which i was so thankful for. Only my backside was visible. My hair was swept over my shoulder, but my bangs fell over Ashtons hand which was thankfully placed on my cheek to block my features. My arms were placed on his arms looking as if I was leaning in as well, but actually I was pushing him away.

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