Susan past

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Third POV

Life wasn't always full of Milk and honey in the club, where Susan worked as a stripper.

She survived on the scraps given to her by her boss, she was only eighteen when her father sold her to a mob boss to pay off his debts, Susan grew into a woman as a prostitute, and her looks and charms got her more client then she could ever imagine, making the mob boss ever richer.

She was skilled at what she did and grew into the lifestyle. Her father's debt was paid off but the Mob boss refused to let her go, as he made thousands of her body.

One day, while on duty, she was taken for a night by a man, in his late twenties, for some reason he looked broken and needed company, but to her surprise he didn't need her body he needed her heart.

It became a culture, every Tuesday he would come around and ask for only her company, and they would talk till sleep took hold of them. And in the morning he would drop a very large bunk of money and disappear without a trace.

This went on for months, and soon then Susan realized she was falling in love with him, and he was also falling for her. She wasn't making enough money for her boss anymore and this was getting the Mob boss pissed off, he called her to others and warned her several times her income was coming in low and she was rejecting a lot of clients.

"I would like to, I have worked for you for ten years now, I want to have my own life," Britney demanded.

"You go nowhere till I deem you your freedom" the boss responded.

"I have paid up my father's debts, I owe you nothing," she replied.

"Then you should know that you belong to me," he sneered. Susan's eyes watered as she ran out of the room, the client started rejecting her as she wasn't performing so well anymore.

Susan told Ian about the event that happened and Ian met up with her boss and wanted to pay him off. The mob boss accepted the money and when Ian left he sent men to kill him and forced Susan to work even harder.

Ian escaped death, but he was held up in a cell beneath the club, one day Susan sneaked into the Mob boss's office put a bullet in his head, and got away with Ian.

The following month they moved to another state, and when Susan discovered that Ian was seeing someone, she approved of it but he denied it, a few months Later Susan discovered she couldn't give birth to a child and she was barren.

And in that same period, Ian brought back a baby who he said was his daughter. When he was asked who was the mother of the child, he kept it to himself. Susan accepted the baby as hers, but she grew greedy and hated Ian, for lying and cheating on her.

Ian loved Susan but the love she had for him had faded, that was why she sold him out to the authorities and made away with a large sum of money.

Back to the present, she watched as Ava looked at Ariana, and she was furious, she knew she knew something when she asked Ian, Ariana's father and Susan lied that he was dead.

When Ariana left the room, she stood to her feet as she walked to Ava.

"What do you know?" She asked rudely as she glared at them. The woman who sat smirking at her.

"A lot, enough to destroy you," Ava responded with a smirk as she smiled at the woman in front of her.

"I have no beef with you, and I would advise you not to mess with me, it wouldn't end well," Susan threatened.

"Says a whore, who is acting as a billionaire's wife," Ava responded and Susan could feel the rage in her.

"What do you want from me?" Susan asked as she stared at the woman with suspicion.

"I want you to stop using Ariana in your plot to get everything you want," Ava responded. Susan stared at the woman, she hadn't heard of the woman until today, but she knew she was a powerful woman and would not be an easy opponent for her to take on.

"Why the sudden interest in her? You're just meeting her for the first time?" Susan asked, she never knew what this woman's motive was, and that alone made her scared.

"You should worry about your survival here, in this villa, and how long you would be able to keep up with this trickery of yours," Ava responded as she smiled, and this got Susan's heart beating, this woman was speaking in idioms she couldn't understand, and that pissed her off.

"Stop with the bullshit, you have nothing against me" Susan responded as she glared at the woman, as the word left her lips the woman smiled.

"You shouldn't be afraid of what I have on you, you should be afraid of what he would do to you after Ariana's wedding," Ava Teased, as she drank the wine.

Susan froze, as she sat down on the couch, her head wasn't in one place, she sat to think what the woman meant, and she was confused.

TEASE ME, MY STEP BROTHER Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang