Coma (Chapter 9)

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The rain pelted Nancy's window as she thought of the city. She didn't know what she would do to counter the Red Dragon's last plan and she didn't know when he would execute it. She went downstairs and saw the mayor announce that they were now turning the abandoned school building into a new homeless shelter.

She saw her mom asleep on the couch and thought "Why is she on the couch? She never sleeps down here."

Then she walked over to her and woke her up.

"Mom, mom" said Nancy

"What is it sweetie" mumbled Nancy's Mom

"Why are you down here, you've never slept down here" said Nancy

"I was just working on something" said Nancy's Mom

Then she saw her mom's closed laptop sitting on the table.

"What is it" asked Nancy

"Just an article" said Nancy's Mom

"Mom, you look like you haven't slept in a days" said Nancy

"I just slept" said Nancy's Mom

"Well you still look tired" said Nancy

"I'll be fine Nancy, just go do your school work I'll be done soon" said Nancy's Mom

"Okay, whatever you say mom" sighed Nancy

Nancy went back upstairs and couldn't help thinking about what was happening to her mom. When she was done with her work she went back downstairs and saw that her mom was unconscious on the couch again.

"Mom, mom wake up" said Nancy

But there was no answer or movement

"Mom wake up!" Yelled Nancy

Her mom wasn't responding so Nancy ran upstairs to grab her phone and ran back down to wake her up again. She checked her pulse and she was still breathing so Nancy called 911.

"911 what is your emergency." Said the operator

"Umm, my mom is unconscious and she's not waking up but she's still breathing" said Nancy in an alarming tone

"Okay tell me exactly what happened" said the operator

"I don't know, when I woke up I went downstairs and she was asleep on the couch then I woke her up then went back upstairs and when I came back down she was unconscious but still breathing." Said Nancy

"Okay, how old are you and what is your current location" said the operator

"I'm 17 and my current location is 79 Tulane Drive" said Nancy

"Okay stay where you are we're sending an ambulance to your current location" said the operator

"Okay, please hurry* said Nancy

Then, she hung up and tried to wake her mom up again but she had no luck. Then the ambulance showed up and she let them in. They tried the defibrillator but it didn't work so they took Nancy's Mom to the hospital and kept her there until she woke up.

Nancy left the hospital a little after 7 pm and had to clear her head so she went on patrol and found some muggers to take out. But when she fought them she didn't pull her punches and ended up breaking one's arm.

While she was out she ran into Slingshot who was fighting a group of thugs in an alley. She jumped in to help him and put one of the thugs into shock.

"You good!" Said Slingshot

"Yeah why" said Celerity

"You just put him into shock" said Slingshot

"Okay, he's not dead" said Celerity shrugging her shoulders

"Well he's close to dead" said Slingshot

"Like I said, he's not dead" said Celerity

"You doing okay?" Asked Slingshot

"No, I'm not, Listen my mom just went into the hospital and I had to blow off steam but I probably shouldn't of came out here to do that." Said Celerity

"I understand, I'll stay out if you need to go back home or to the hospital." Said Slingshot

"Thanks, I don't think I--" said Celerity as she was cut off by an explosion

The explosion came from the abandoned hotel that she found the Red Dragon at before.

"Actually I'll stay for this" said Celerity

Then, Celerity and Slingshot went to the abandoned hotel that was bow reduced to rubble. Then they saw a paper in the middle of the debris.

The paper read "Come to the theatre for the last act of my plan and bring your sidekick if you want."

"He wants us to go to the theatre" said Celerity

"For what" asked Slingshot

"His final plan" said Celerity

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