Have you seen her?

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An hour after Nancy got home there was a knock on her door. She went downstairs and answered the door and there was man that had a black eye. She noticed that he looked similar to one of the criminals she fought the night before.

The man greeted her and said "Hello, have you seen this girl" as he pulled up a picture of Emma on his phone.

Nancy seeing the picture and noticing a red dragon tattoo on his wrist decided to say "No, I haven't seen her anywhere, I hope you find her though."

"Thank you, have a good night" said the man, before waking down the steps.

She noticed that the man was going door to door so she started patrol earlier than usual and did her best to not be spotted.

She went to several different warehouses searching for clan members and found one with multiple members. She counted 17 of them in the warehouse.

Then, Nancy thought to herself "Great, 17 criminals to take out without getting caught."

She formed a plan seeing that there were only 5 on the 3rd floor, 7 on the second and 5 on the first.

On the 3rd floor she caused a distraction to lead 2 people away from the group. Then she jumped down quietly and took down the 2 that were distracted and took down another 2 when they were separated.

Then she grabbed the last one and whispered "Shhh, who's your boss?"

"Are you crazy, I'm not telling" said the criminal

"Maybe I am crazy" said Celerity as she grabbed a knife from one of the criminals pockets.

"I could just kill you and your buddies and call it a night.

"Alright, alright you might know him but his name is the Red Dragon" said the criminal with a smile tugging at his face

"I said name" said Celerity as she moved the knife closer to his neck.

"okay, okay it's Richard Wiley"

Then Celerity dropped the knife and said "See, that wasn't so hard"

When she was done clearing the other floors she made one of the criminals call the cops on themselves.

"911 what is your emergency"

"Uh, there's a group of criminals including me who tried robbing a warehouse but we're all knocked out now, please come and arrest us." Said the criminal with fear in his eyes seeing Celerity bleed through the shadows.

The next day, Nancy was in class and she had a substitute teacher. She glanced out the window as the teacher did attendance.

"Emma Wiley"

"Here" said Emma

Then, Nancy's heart skipped a beat

"Nancy Young"

"Here" said Nancy as she tried to hide her disbelief.

Nancy couldn't believe it, her friend was the daughter of the Red Dragon. But, why were the criminals looking for her. Was she hiding from her father. The questions engulfed Nancy's mind  and for the rest of the class she was drowning in her thoughts.

At lunch she sat with her friends and invited Emma to sit with her.

"Hey Emma!" Said the whole table

Then the conversations started but Nancy was still thinking about the Red Dragon and how Emma was involved. But, they were looking for her so that must mean that she's not in on it.

"Nancy, Nancy you okay" said Emma

"Yeah I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night, I had like 10 missing assignments."

"Damn, did you finish."

"Yeah I did."

"Well that's good" said Emma

After school Nancy walked home for the first time since the accident happened. She put in her airpods and put on her playlist so she could think.

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