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Nancy looked through the peep hole and saw a woman, that had long brunette hair, green eyes and the same skin tone as Emma, with an umbrella in hand.

She opened the door and the woman said "Hi, you must be Nancy"

"And you are?" Said Nancy with a little confusion.

"I'm Emma's mom, I'm here to pick her up" said the lady with a friendly expression.

"Emma, your mom's here" said Nancy

"Alright, I'll be right there" said Emma gathering her things

"Thanks for having me Ms. Young" said Emma starting to walk towards the door.

Once Emma was gone Nancy and her mom continued to watch the news and Nancy thought to herself "How will I protect this city now that everyone's powered up."

Nancy decided that she would change up her suit and make it less noticable knowing that she wouldn't scare most of the criminals anymore. The next day, she went to the clothing and art stores where she originally got the supplies for her suit and this time she got a greyish black spray paint to recolor her suit and a new set of dark red gloves and boots along with the material she made her mask with.

Later that day, she went to the garage and started to respray her yellow suit with the spray paint she got from the art store. Then, she remade her mask. She let the paint dry for half an hour then added another coat and she left the paint to dry again.

That night she went on patrol donning her new recolored red and black suit. She heard alarms coming from the bank and thought there was a robbery underway so she made her way to the bank and to her surprise she saw a man shooting fire at the cops and sighed. She dropped in between the man and the cops and once the man saw her he said "I thought you were just a myth!"

"No, I've been real" said Celerity

Then, she quickly swept the man off his feet and grabbed the cash. When she turned around she was hit with a blast of heat from behind. The man walked up then grabbed her by her hair. Then, she flipped him on his back and the man sent another blast of fire towards her then ran away. Seeing that the man wasn't really experienced in being a criminal she quickly grabbed him and got him into cuffs then the cops tranquilized him and brought him to prison.

"You guys sure he won't get out." Said Celerity knowing they didn't have any power dampening weapons or cells.

Then one of the cops said "Yeah, we'll make sure he stays there. But on the other hand, how did you stay under the radar for so long?."

"I just leave as soon as I stop a crime" said Celerity, who speeds away once the cop looks away.

Once she reaches a rooftop far away from the scene, she looks over the city and thinks to herself "Tonight didn't got that bad even, though I almost lost. Shit I still need to finish that homework."

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