Dragon Problem

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Nancy and Jayden were now on a rooftop in the city looking for crimes or to find people who needed help.

"How do you wait this long" said Jayden

"It's easy, you just sit on your phone" said Nancy

"Well I ain't bring my phone" said Jayden

"Why?" Said Nancy

"I don't got pockets" said Jayden

"Why do you not have pockets" said Nancy

"I didn't think I would need them" said Jayden

"Your so stupid" said Nancy, annoyed at what Jayden said

"Spider-Man doesn't have pockets" said Jayden

"Well your not Spider-Man, Your Slingshot" said Nancy

"Whatever, man" said Jayden

Just then, Nancy saw a man run through the street and cut in to the alley in front of her.

"Finally found somebody, come on" said Nancy

"How many" said Jayden

"Only 2 people" said Nancy

They both jumped to the rooftop above the alley the man cut into. They saw the man run into a group of people. Celerity and Slingshot jumped down into the alley ready to fight them off.

"Why is it never a fair fight" said Celerity right before one of the men charged towards her.

Then, the fight broke out with punches thundering like cannon fire, each blow from Slingshot sent a thug stumbling back. He moved like lightning, swift and unpredictable.

Celerity was a whirlwind of motion, her kicks slicing through the air, her strikes precise and debilitating. She ducked under a wild swing, her elbow connecting with a thug's ribs, eliciting a grunt of pain. She spun, her leg sweeping another off his feet.

"Is that all of them" said Slingshot

"Yeah, that's all" said Celerity

"You okay man?" Said Slingshot

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks for the save" said the man

Then, Celerity saw it, on one of the men there was a Red Dragon tattoo and she needed answers.

"Why were you running from them" said Celerity in a demanding tone

"I thought they were gonna rob me I guess, so I ran" said the man

"Then why were there others waiting for you" said Celerity

"Fine, I got ditched the gang because they were plotting to destroy the city so I took the blueprint for their next bomb" said the man

"Do you have it with you" said Celerity

"No, shit I must've dropped it while I was running" said the man who was now nervous

"I'll go back and look for it, Slingshot stay here just in case more come" said Celerity knowing this was her probably her last chance to stop them.

Celerity went back to the street she saw the man running in and looked for the blueprint. She checked nearby alleys and fire escapes but it was no where to be found. When she came back she found Slingshot fighting off another group of Red Dragons who now had weapons.

There were only 3 left so Celerity jumped in hitting one with a flying kick and nailing the last one with an uppercut. Then she asked the man
"Is there anywhere safe we can take you"

"Yeah the old hotel" said the man

"Ain't no way, isn't that place haunted" said Slingshot

"Probably is but they won't look for me there" said the man

Then Celerity said "Slingshot you can go home, I'll take him there"

"Alright, but if y'all die it's not on me" said Slingshot

"I'll see you tomorrow" said Celerity

Then, Slingshot disappeared with blue sparks following.

"Alright, you might throw up after this" said Celerity

"Why" said the man

"Superspeed" said Celerity

"Oh" said the man

Celerity ran the man to the old hotel. It looked perfectly fine but it still had an creepy feeling once you were near it.

"You sure you'll be safe here" said Nancy

"Yeah I'll be safe, besides I'm not actually going in there" said the man

"Alright then, be safe I guess" said Celerity

Then, Celerity ran back to the city and sat on a rooftop. She thought of how close she was to stopping the gang. She checked her phone and saw that it was about to be midnight so she ran home.

Once she was home she took a shower, once she was out she made her bed and went to sleep.

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