(Chapter 6) First Encounter

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Nancy knew she had to get back on the Dragons tail so she went out on patrol early. She jumped from rooftop to rooftop and ended up finding a group of men near a van in an alley.

The men were loading the van with various items. Then, she saw the Red Dragon tattoo on one of the men and knew they were plotting something different this time.

She jumped down and confronted the men and with a smirk she said "So we're stealing gas now"

And one of the men shouted "It's Celerity" and another shouted "Get her!"

The men charged at her but she was faster, smarter and stronger. She countered one of the men's punches and cracked him on the jaw with an uppercut. Then, she hit another man with a roundhouse kick that sends him to the ground.

Then, she sent another charging thug into a wall causing him be cut open. She grabbed the last thug and demandingly said"Where is your boss!".

Then the thug said "He's at the old powerplant okay, I'll tell you more just don't hurt me please"

Then Celerity thought "That was easier than I thought" 

So she said "Then what else do you know?"

The thug responded saying "He's planning to have the bomb ready by Monday and he's having multiple robberies taking place right now so he gets all of the equipment he needs but that's the only thing I know, nothing else."

"Well, you're free to go since you probably won't be seeing your boss anymore." Said Celerity

Then, she left the scene and headed for the powerplant that the thug told her about. She snuck in through the roof and made her way through the building until she found a room with people inside. She peeked through the door and saw a man with wavy brown hair and a slight beard sitting at a desk and noticed that he looked like the man in the picture she saw at Emma's house.

She also saw that there were 2 other men with him and she began forming a plan. Once her plan was form she set it in motion. She broke in the door and knocked out the 2 criminals by bashing their heads and then confronted the man at the desk.

"I been waiting for you, Celerity." Said the man who was facing the other way.

"I bet you have" said Celerity

"I'm also assuming that you want to know why I set off the first bomb." Say the man

Celerity stood there and didn't say a word

"You know, I feared that humans wouldn't be able to live into the future or be able to adapt to the constantly changing environment. But I created something different, a new race of humanity and it back fired so I plan to destroy my creation." Said the man finally revealing himself

To Celerity's surprise, the man was Emma's father.

"Don't you have kids or a family to take care of" said Celerity

"I do, but I've realized that I don't really need them. I've realized that my wife didn't appreciate me after all I've done for them so instead of leaving I made her leave and she fled here with my daughter. I realized I had to get rid of her for my own benefit." The man

"And how does this benefit you?" Said Celerity

"I won't have to worry about my wife being crazy anymore. I also want my wife gone because of the things she's said to me over text and phone. Threatening me, my family, saying she abuses my child and much more.

"So why get rid of both?" Said Celerity

"I won't have to worry about my daughter being put into foster care or having to live with me" said the man

"Well, I can't let that happen" said Celerity

Then the man raised an eyebrow an said "How are you going to stop me. I'm the Red Dragon."

"I'll find a way" said Celerity

Then, the Red Dragon got out of his chair and walked towards Celerity. He then unsheathed the sword that was on his hip and aim it at Celerity. Celerity tried to take the sword from him but he quickly pulled it back and slashed her on her stomach.

The Red Dragon stepped back and said "You think you can stop me. I barely even moved and injured you."

Then he continued to shame Celerity saying "Just cause you have powers doesn't mean you're invincible, you can't be ignorant. You know I'm not a Red Dragon. I am the Red Dragon."

Then, the Red Dragon jumped out the window into the night leaving Celerity bleeding on the floor to think about what he said.

"He was right, I knew he was the leader but I still treated him like a regular thug. He even used a sword . Street thugs don't use swords or talk about their plans."

"I need to get out of here. But I can barely move. I can call Jayden."

Then Celerity grabbed her phone and texted Jayden.

"Powerplant rn" -Nancy
"Need help badly" -Nancy

"Omw" -Jayden

"Hurry I'm bleeding out" -Nancy

Nancy heard guys yelling downstairs and knew it was Jayden. Once the screaming stopped she saw the door open and saw Jayden step in the room.

"Nancy, You okay what happened!?" Said Jayden

"I went after found him" said Nancy in a weak tone

"Found who?" Said Jayden as he treated her wounds

"The Red Dragon" said Nancy

"Isn't he the leader of the Red Dragons?" Said Jayden

"Yeah, he's good with swords and doesn't shut up" said Nancy

"How did he hit you though? Don't you have superspeed" asked Jayden

"Yeah but I was being ignorant and thought he was just like the rest of them and tried disarming him but he easy pulled the sword back and slashed me." Said Nancy

Damn, are you gonna be okay?" Said Jayden

"Yeah, I'll be good in like an hour, I heal fast as well" Nancy

"Alright, you want me to take you home" said Jayden

"Yeah. Thanks for the help" said Nancy

"Anytime" said Jayden

When Nancy was home she took a towel to cover her wound and stop the blood from staining her bed and she went to sleep.

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