Charity (Chapter 8)

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Nancy was walking to the corner store when she saw some homeless people with a sign asking for money so she gave them 5 bucks but she wanted to do more. She wanted to give them a home instead of giving them money to buy another drink.

That night, she went on patrol and found an unused school building and decided to clean it out. The building had been out of business for about 3 years and Nancy knew it wouldn't be haunted because nothing serious had happened there while it was open.

Once she was done cleaning up the school she went back to the homeless people and told asked them if they wanted shelter or if they were fine where they were and they agreed to go with her to the school.

She only cleared 5 of the rooms and it took her at least an hour. She set up every room to have at least 1 mattress and she agreed to come back to clean up the other rooms if they needed her to. When she left she got the idea to get more homeless people to shelter there and also got the idea to tell the mayor to get another homeless shelter built in that same building.

The next night, Nancy ventured to the mayor's office to talk and pitch the idea. Luckily the mayor was staying late so she went up to the window and knocked on it and eventually the mayor opened it.

"Hey Mr. Mayor" said Celerity

"Hey, you must be Celerity" said the Mayor

"Yeah, I just wanted to pitch an idea if it's okay with you" said Celerity

"Uhh, Sure as long as it's not too crazy" said the Mayor

"Well, I was thinking you could open up a new homeless shelter where that unused school building is. Because I already cleaned some of the rooms in there and let some of the people in" said Celerity

"Well, I suppose we could get that done but it's gonna take some time to clean out the building." Said the Mayor

"I'll help clean it out to it'll just be at night though" said Celerity

"Well, I'll get to it then." Said the Mayor

"Also can you not mention my name when you pitch the idea" said Celerity

"You got my word" said the Mayor

Then, Nancy went back to the school to tell the people that they were going to get a shelter built.

After, she went back to what she went back to her job protecting the city. She saw that there was a Red Dragon symbol spray painted on a building and knew she had to find him before he executed his last plan.

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