When do I start?

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When do I start -Jayden

Later -Nancy

Alr -Jayden

Nancy put down her phone and went downstairs. She saw her mom on the couch watching TV then asked "What you watching?"

Then Nancy's mom said "Kill Bill"

"Which one?" Said Nancy

"Volume 1" said Nancy's mom

"Is it good" said Nancy

"Yeah" said Nancy's mom

"I might watch it later then" said Nancy

"Oh, don't forget to do school stuff" said Nancy's mom

"Alright" said Nancy

Nancy went back upstairs to her room and tried to do her work but she couldn't get the Red Dragons off her mind. She knew she had to stop them but didn't know how or where to start. Since their bomb went off she didn't have anything to follow. She only knew that the leader was Emma's father but she couldn't just go and interrogate her friend as Celerity, she had to go and talk to her as a friend.

Nancy grabbed up her phone and texted Emma.

Hey you tryna go for a walk or something -Nancy

Sure what time -Emma

4 something -Nancy

Nancy looked in her closet for an outfit and found a blue shirt and some jeans. She put it on and did her hair but not her makeup. Then, she finished her assignment that she tried to finish earlier so that she wouldn't have to do them later.

She went downstairs and saw that her mom was still watching the movie and said "Mom can I go on a walk"

"Sure just be back before 6" said Nancy's mom

"Ok" said Nancy

Nancy pulled out her phone and texted Emma.

Where we meeting at -Nancy

The McDonald's -Emma

Alr omw -Nancy

When Nancy got to the McDonald's she saw Emma waiting. They both ordered a medium fry and started to walk.

"So, when will I be able to come over" said Nancy

"I don't know" said Emma

"Is your mom doing okay?" Said Nancy

"Yeah, I don't how the rain didn't effect her" said Emma

"That's good" said Nancy

"She's been talking to my dad though. The only reason I know is because she screams at him on the phone." Said Emma

"Why does she scream" asked Nancy

"It's cause my dad just abandoned us and he used to get into a lot of trouble. I haven't seen him since the 4th grade, but I feel like it's a good thing." Said Emma

"Damn, I haven't seen my dad since 6th grade and my mom hasn't talked to him since." Said Nancy

"We should make a club, just full of people that have deadbeat dads" said Emma followed by laughter

"We should name it the council of deadbeats or something" said Nancy joining Emma in laughter

They continued walking for another half hour and they continued to talk and make jokes and laugh and they eventually went there separate ways and went home.

When Nancy got home her mom was in the kitchen making dinner so Nancy said "what you cooking Mom"

Then Nancy's mom said "I'm making spaghetti"

"What sauce is that" said Nancy

"It's Alfredo sauce" said Nancy's mom

"Alright, when's it gonna be done" said Nancy

"20 minutes" said Nancy's mom

"Nancy, dinner's ready!" Said Nancy's mom

Nancy went downstairs after she heard her mom. She grabbed her plate and sat down at the table with her mom. "So, how do you feel about school now, since we're in another quarantine." Said Nancy's mom

"I don't feel to bad about it since we're already in May but if it was earlier I would've failed" said Nancy

"So your saying you wouldn't do the work?" Said Nancy's mom

"No I would do it, I'd probably just forget" said Nancy

After Nancy ate dinner with her mom she went back to her room to take a nap but got a text from Jayden.

Patrol -Jayden

She sighed and responded to his text

Sure -Nancy

Where we meeting -Jayden

The warehouse -Nancy

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