wwmi Dribble and Spitz

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Making waves

We see that Dribble and Spitz are relax with taxi that float on water

Spitz: ahh this is the life Dribble my friend

Just then jetski appeared and was lightning along with N

Lightning: hey Dribble and Spitz

Dribble: lightning my friend I see you have jetski and who that guy

N: I'm serial designation N and am a new member for lightning group as member 7th of male 7

Spitz: that's interesting and where he from

Lightning: Murder drones a web series that follows drones that kill other drones

Dribble: that's deep

N: oh believe my friend you seen nothing from where I'm from

Dribble: right I'll sleep for now

They sleep til

Spitz: wake up buddy we've got trouble

Dribble: ugh

Spitz: look at where we are

They see the race

Ken: great with this final entry we're ready to race

Dribble: how'd we even get in here

Lightning: I don't know but I'm feeling racing is on me

N: mine too dude

Ken: and now the caresaway grand prix is about to begin

Spitz: I I guess we're racing now

Dribble: I'm on it

Ken: three two one goo

And off they went

Lightning: woo dude this is awesome race for the years

N: I know I wish I've seen you racing that is awesome

As they racing the seagul change the sign to the opposite arrow

Spitz: left nah your other left Dribble

Dribble: copy that Spitz

as racers went the wrong way as seagul change back the right way as lightning and N go the right way

Ken: what a finish the winner of the caresaway grand prix is lightning McQueen and serial designation N

N: can't believe we won

Lightning: yeah but where are the other racers Dribble and Spitz

N: I don't know maybe they went the wrong way

Later that night

Dribble: GRRRAAAH any minute now I can smell that finish line ( just then phone ringing )

Spitz: hello

Lightning: hey Spitz

Spitz: lightning can't talk right now we winning the race

Lightning: uh yeah about that the race is over


The other racers stop

Racer guy: hey what's wrong

Dribble: did he say the race is over

Spitz: I think he did what do you mean the race is over

Lightning: earlier at noon you Dribble and the other racers went the wrong way so me and N have won the race and it's night right now

Spitz: dammit how did we not see that coming thanks for tell me

Lightning: no problem my friend

The next day N and lightning go to see other friends

lightning McQueen in wariowareWhere stories live. Discover now