wwsm dribble and Spitz

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( At diamond taxi )

( We see dribble and Spitz wax the taxi cab )

Dribble: well would you look at that today turned out nice after all great day for a drive whatcha say

Spitz: you say it dribble pal

Lightning: hey dudes

( Then dribble and Spitz turn around and see lightning McQueen )

Dribble: lightning what's up man

Lightning: yo my buds

Spitz: what up there bestie

Lightning: mind if I take a long

Dribble: oh yeah the trio is on

( Then lightning dribble and Spitz do wax the cab until they hear the female voice )

Woman: excuse me

( They turn around )

Woman: can I get a ride

Lightning: sure thing lady

( Then they are in the cab )

Spitz: where to

Woman: to tomorrow hill

( Much of lightning dribble and Spitz shock then they ready )

Dribble: I'm on it ( then turn the cab on ) here we go ( and off they went )

Woman: so have you boys know each other

Lightning: oh yeah I met dribble and Spitz when I moved to diamond city and right now made me friends I got

Woman: cool and your name

Lightning: I'm lightning McQueen the coolest hero ever

Woman: I think I heard about you you on the news that you stop the bad guys and help the good guys right

Lightning: oh yeah that's me

Spitz: hey lightning wanna hear some songs

Lightning: oh yeah

( Then Spitz search the song til he found one )

Spitz: this be good one

( Lightning - uptown funk )

( After they made it to tomorrow hill )

Lightning: here we are

( Then the woman came to the edge what made lightning dribble and Spitz shock was the spaceship came down and woman turn into alien and she waved goodbye )

Lightning: I never know she was the alien all the time

Dribble: me neither

Spitz: hey she didn't pay the fare

( Made lightning and dribble stud )


( Then dribble and Spitz never heard lightning say the word )

Dribble: what word was that from

Lightning: that was from the Simpsons when Homer Simpson says doh a lot

Spitz: I see you could show us about the show soon

Lightning: oh yeah

( Then lightning dribble and Spitz got back to diamond city )

Lightning: well I got to go see ya guys

Dribble and Spitz: see ya lightning

( Then lightning left to meet the new people that he never met and some surprised )

A/N: I put the uptown funk and doh on this cause lightning love any of them he has anyway the next chapter lightning meets penny and shock that dr.crygor has a granddaughter

lightning McQueen in wariowareWhere stories live. Discover now