wwgit ashley

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( wario Mona Jimmy t cricket dr.crygor Kat ana 9-volt 18-volt Mike Dribble & spitz came to this red area for food to searching their friends )

Dr.crygor: I say the corruption is particularly pervasive here

( then they see Ashley use her wand for random )

Wario: aha Ashley I should have known

Ashley: oh joy and here I was finally having some fun

Wario: it's time to stomp some game bugsand you you're gonna help us

Ashley: why should I

Wario: because i said so and because bah fine we don't need you anyway

Ashley: please of course you do ( they jumped in )

( cutsence shows at Ashley's mansion the group of garlic came to Ashley's mansion inside of the mansion ashley and red were getting something to eat then she illusion of red a hamburger then the garlic crash the wall and Ashley is ready to take them down ( ashley: dinnertime ) ( red: ok I'm on it ) for a food fight )

( then they play some microgames that Ashley made for food )

( after that game bug came out then Ashley cast a spell on the game bug to disappear )

Ashley: whatever ( she noticed of 9-volt holding hand on Kat and 18-volt holding hand on ana ) um why is Kat and ana holding hands on two game boys

Cricket: they became lovers

Ashley: really they did it

Cricket: yep and Ashley I know it made it sound weird but I have a crush on you ( made Ashley blushing )

Ashley: ( blushing ) really I feel the same about you like that you protect me

Cricket: um yeah I did protect you form any bad ones

( then without warning Ashley kiss Cricket on the lips Cricket was shocked at first but he closed his eyes and kiss back 9-volt 18-volt Kat and ana are happy for their friends )

9-volt: awesome there my friend

Kat: nice kiss Ashley

Ashley: ( blushing ) thanks you four

( then they continue off to find more friends )

( meanwhile with lightning )

( lightning see a theme park in space )

Lightning: is that eggman interstellar amusement Park from sonic colors

( it confirmed that is eggman interstellar amusement park )

Lightning: alright stage is time save the planet or on games ( sonic ) no copyright law in the universe is going to stop me

( tropical resort ( act 1 ) - sonic colors )

( lightning run through the theme park got some cool moves even the dab then he see a goal )

Lightning: Kachow

( then he see a wisp from sonic colors )

Lightning: hey are you guys the wisps

( then they nodded )

Lightning: ok here's the song for you guys

( lightning - reach for the stars - sonic colors )

( the wisp love it and they are with lightning )

Lightning: alright you guys time for a another stage

( then they look for a another stage to find )

To be continued

A/N: you probably wonder why I made Ashley and cricket kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend I see some fanart I couldn't resist also for the wisps from sonic they are for helping lightning for the final boss soon

lightning McQueen in wariowareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ