wwimm wario

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( we see wario was sit the chair watching TV )

Wario: eh nothing good here on tv huh what's this

( Then he see the news reporter talk about new game )

Reporter: game sales are way up here's why is it that cool ( he shows pyoro

( that give wario an idea )

Wario: that's it I well make games to make money ( then got computer to made games but he can't do this alone so he decided to called his friends ) I got it I'll call my friends ( then he called his friends to made games )

* At wariowere inc *

Lightning: hey wario you in here

Wario: hey McQueen there you are but think you can beat my games

Lightning: your games your on

( Then wario jumped on trampoline and he lunching out of the chimney then come back down to the boom box )

Lightning: wario oh boy gonna save him out of there

( Then lightning play microgames that wario made )

( Then wario came out the boom box come tiny then comes out hot wheels cars lucky wario dodge it then go back in and change back )

Lightning: wario you're alright man

Wario: yeah I'm good hey you did it man

Lightning: yep I did I gonna go meet up with Jimmy t

Wario: alright

( Then lightning left wario that go to club sugar to meet up with Jimmy t )

A/N: hey thanks reading warioware Inc mega microgames with lightning McQueen next chapter we're lightning goes to club sugar to meet up with Jimmy t his microgames is sports see you then )

lightning McQueen in wariowareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora