wwsm tiny wario

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( we see lightning made it to wario house )

Lightning: hey wario

Wario: lightning what brings you here

Lightning: oh nothing much just to hang out

Wario: right

( Then wario and lightning watch TV )

Wario: so anything good on tv

Lightning: I don't know bud

Tv: next is the Simpsons only on Fox

Lightning: I love that show

Lightning: did you know that the Simpsons started the show since 1989 before you were debut

Wario: really I didn't know

Lightning: we'll believe it dude cause Simpsons has some reference and cameos was in this show like Mario did any video game movies and tv shows made reference in it

Wario: whoa

( Then the door Bell ring )

Lightning: wonder who that is

( Then lightning went to the door and he see the package it says to wario from penny that lightning met )

Lightning: hey wario the package here and it's from penny

Wario: who's penny

Lightning: penny is a granddaughter of dr.crygor

Wario: what I didn't know he had a granddaughter

Lightning well next time when you go see Dr.crygor you see penny here also I met two new people name young cricket and master Mantis their both Kung Fu

Wario: wow okay let me see

( Then wario open it and it was the mini version of the bike )

Wario: wow it looks like my bike but small but it works

Lightning: let's take for test drive

( Then lightning and wario try out the bike then all of the sudden wario start to shrunk and out of tiny version of wario )

Lightning: oh no

( There plenty of thing wario )

Lightning: I got to do something ( then he spot the strawberries ) that's it hey tiny wario there the strawberries there

Tiny wario: mm strawberries

( Then they got the strawberries and pile up and turn back to normal )

Lightning: there we go

Wario: wow eat strawberries and became tiny was cool

( Then all of sudden there was splunk from earlier wants form baton back )

Splunk: hand over the form baton

Lightning: hey I'm not but wario was

Wario: what

( Then splunk chase wario and return to the temple and off form baton

Splunk: thank you

Lightning: well that's taking care of now to see orbulon

( Then lightning left to find orbulon )

lightning McQueen in wariowareWhere stories live. Discover now