wwg orbulon

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( at gigantaburger orbulon was order something of the menu )

Cashier: have a great day ( then he see orbulon ) welcome to gigantaburger what can I get ya

Orbulon: French style of fries please no salt no grease cold subzero

Cashier: chilly fries coming right up

Orbulon: ( eat fries ) nom nom nom nom earth food so scrummy  so starchy hmm still hungry ( then he see lightning) hey Lightning

Lightning: hey orbulon what are you doing bud

Orbulon: eating at gigantaburger

Lightning: you know that gigantaburger look like any other restaurants anywhere in the world

Orbulon: right anyway

Cashier: welcome to gigantaburger what can I get ya

Orbulon: a shake the milky kind with extra picante

Cashier: chili shake coming right up

Orbulon: ( drink shake ) gluggy glug glug too fast oh my brain freeze

Lightning: are you sure you could eat this

Orbulon: of course still hungry ( then Lightning slapped himself )

Lightning: really

Cashier: welcome to gigantaburger what can I get ya

Orbulon: I would like to eat 9 megaburgers please no 10 please

Cashier: sorry sir we just sold our last one

Orbulon: eee

Lightning: what wow

Cashier: yeah we're all out of hamburgers

Orbulon: understood I will procure the hams you require to complete my order

Cashier: what ( then Orbulon left ) uh you still there

Orbulon: I may be a while locating hams is risky biz

Cashier: uh sure

( meanwhile )

Lightning: are you sure you could get many pigs for burgers

Orbulon: of course what's wrong with this

Lightning: I mean I don't know that how it works you could see meats at store they got meats there

Orbulon: yeah but I have to do it for gigantaburger

Lightning: well ok

( then Orbulon and lightning get some little hammies for gigantaburger)

( after that )

Lightning: are you sure that many little hammies could fit your onkier

Orbulon: trust me it could work

Lightning: ok I'm not gonna judge for this

Orbulon: hm hm hm please burger these hams for me

Cashier: is that oinking

Orbulon: yes you are welcome 10 megaburgers please

Cashier: not a chance mister

Orbulon: huh

Cashier: what on earth are you thinking we can't cook those things here

Orbulon: are you not a chef

Cashier: no I'm in high school they don't even let me work the grill just get outta here ok

Orbulon: my mistake come little hammies

Lightning: ok I have no idea he's at high school

Orbulon: hey Lightning could you accept haimmie as a reward

Lightning: sure anyway I got to go

Orbulon: see ya Lightning

( then Lightning left )

( meanwhile )

Wario: bet you think you're some kind of big shot eh well think again if you want to see a really big shot then get a load of this ( then he do budging jumping ) prepare for the ultra league ULTRA uh oh wedgie

A/N: so lightning still going yep wow 80 parts and still going alright don't worry more is on it way

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