wwsm orbulon

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( we see lightning was being the tiny bike back to penny right about he about to he see orbulon fall out from the sky )

Orbulon: ahh

Lightning: oh no

( Then orbulon crash land at temple and the balance stone flew over him and next to form baton )

Orbulon: what's this

Lightning: hey orbulon

Orbulon lightning there you are man

Lightning: what happened I saw you ship fall and you to good to crash your shop like that

Orbulon: yeah I was do my business until that strange stone hit my ship

Lightning: the strange stone what was it

Orbulon: it look like that ( he point the balance stone next to form baton )

Lightning: that's the balance stone it connect with form baton and it looks the shape of a nunchuck from Nintendo Wii

Orbulon: really I didn't know this until now

Lightning: you learn something everyday my friend

Orbulon: yeah

( Then suddenly the temple rumble and flight into the air )

Lightning: orbulon what did you do

Orbulon: I accidentally picked up balance stone and form baton that temple was flight up into the air

Lightning: you turd

Orbulon: sorry

( Then the temple was in space )

Lightning: oh boy I see the world from down there

Orbulon: right I reclaim this my spaceship

( Then splunk came back )

Splunk: give it back

( Then splunk fight orbulon and the temple came back down to earth and splunk launch orbulon back to the sky )

Orbulon: oh no

Lightning: oh well I should build the house of his someday now where was I oh yeah

( Then lightning went to penny )

Lightning: hey penny

Penny: hey lightning ( then she see he's got wario tiny bike ) why did you bring that here

Lightning: well it turns out that this bike that you made that somehow shrunk wario down to tiny version of himself

Penny: oh I forgot to check

Lightning: yep you should have check before you sent it to wario

Penny: I'm sorry

Lightning: it's fine I'm not mad just funny and disappointed at same time now I have to see your grandpa and Mike for this something about the weight so yeah bye

Penny: bye lightning McQueen

( Then lightning left to find dr.crygor and Mike )

lightning McQueen in wariowareWhere stories live. Discover now