wwt mona

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( at diamond broadcasting system Ken announced the top 5 singers )

Ken: what's up and welcome to ear candy we're gonna inject sugary Sonic nuggets straight into your eardrums everyone's been begging me for this week top 5 it could be a wild one who will be this week rock royalty stay tuned to find out

( At Vanessa house )

Ken: will that super surly diva Vanessa keep her pop crown the wait is over  let's start the countdown sal out trails at #5 Luna is #4 the pork loins are #3 this week's highlight artist is singing sensation Sammy rai the hot #2 spot goes to whoa what's this the reigning pop queen has slipped to second Vanessa is #2 that means the top spot goes to a fresh face her name is Mona this just in Mona will be playing at the hawt house tonight

( That made Vanessa angry )

Vanessa: she's going down

( Meanwhile )

Mona: okay I can do this

Lightning: hey Mona

Mona: hey lightning what's up

Lightning: I saw you on diamond broadcasting system great job

Mona: thanks hey wanna hang with me and the band

Lightning: sure I been playing music a lot of times

Mona: wow really

Lightning: oh yeah watch this

( That made Mona shock )

Mona: * shocked * wow I didn't know you're good at sing some songs

Lightning: there's a lot you don't know anything about me

Mona: right anyways we gonna get going

Lightning: right

( Then Mona and lightning went to hawt house )

Art: wait up guys

Decko: we're coming with you

( While Mona and lightning went to hawt house they didn't know something coming )

Lightning: uh oh who's is she

Mona: I don't know

Vanessa: I'm Vanessa and you are going down ( then she tries to ram at lightning but lightning dodge it )

Lightning: whoa hey not cool

( Then lightning got the guns out )

Mona: whoa since when did you got a guns

Lightning: I used guns to take down my enimes who stand in my way

Mona: wow

( Then out of nowhere the plane came and got one of Mona members then came Mona's pets but failed then Joe came but fell off )

Joe: take over for me

4.1: aiming aiming target acquired begin attack sequence omega

4.2: Roger that fire ( then it shoot out the soccer balls

( While they fires soccer ball at them lightning play microgames that Mona made )

( After that art lunch the eject to take down the plane and got decko back then go fast and made it to hawt house )

Mona: hey everyone I got someone with me it is lightning McQueen

Lightning: kachow

( Then the crowd cheering )

Mona: oh I totally forgot I've got pizzas to deliver

Lightning: then go I'll cover for you

Mona: thanks lightning your best

( Then Mona gonna deliver pizza )

Lightning: here this song is called it's doesn't matter

( Lightning- it doesn't matter- Sonic adventure )

( Then the crowd cheering then Vanessa got an idea )

( She pushed lightning out of the way )

Lightning: hey

Vanessa: hello to all my adoring fans why aren't you cheering I'm Mona

( But the fans don't trick it )

Lightning: oh no you don't how dare you try to sabotage to my friend Mona that's it hey everyone throw something at her

( Then the crowd did what he do )

Vanessa: you people disgust me

Lightning: that's what you get for try to sabotage my friend ( the he called the cops )

911: 911 what's your emergency

Lightning: hello cops I have a report about the pop queen try to sabotage my friend

911: tell me the address

Lightning: at hawt house

911: we'll be on way

( Minutes later )

Cop: Vanessa your under arrest for try to sabotage lightning McQueen friend concert

( Then they put her in the car and drove to police station )

( Then lightning left to meet up with Kat and ana )

A/N: next chapter lightning hang out with Kat and ana and you might be wandering why did I put cops in this story well because she been sabotage to Mona to the original game so I decided to put in it so yeah

lightning McQueen in wariowareWhere stories live. Discover now