wwt Dr.crygor

30 0 0

( we see lightning went to dr.crygor )

Lightning: I wonder what dr.crygor up to ( then he see dr.crygor )

Dr.crygor: hahaha it's finished

Lightning: what's finish ( that made dr.crygor jumped )

Dr.crygor: lightning you scared me and I made this machine behold my new invention

Lightning: wow what's does it do

Dr.crygor: let's find out ( then he put the eating apple into the machine then it refreshed the uneaten apple ) ta-da

Lightning: wow this machine could undo anything about it

Dr.crygor: that's right

( Then he dance into the machine )

Lightning: um dr.crygor I don't think dancing in the machine it's not a good idea

Dr.crygor: why's that ( then the machine closed )

Lightning: dr.crygor I got you buddy hang on ( then he spins the wheel then it open what made shocked ) um dr.crygor you look different than before

Dr.crygor: really why's that

Lightning: just look at yourself in the mirror

( Then dr.crygor check the mirror while lightning play some Microgames that dr.crygor made )

( After that dr.crygor realize he had upgraded )

Dr.crygor: I've been upgraded

Lightning: look cool on you dude

Dr.crygor: it's perfect even I got brand new jetpack

Lightning: what a brand new jetpack no way

Dr.crygor: yes way check it out

( Then dr.crygor lunching with his jetpack it's go so high that lightning can't see him )

Lightning: where did he go oh well I got my spacesuit at home

* Meanwhile *

Dr.crygor: the galaxy is my giant oyster

( While lightning wait for him to come down )

Lightning: well I got to wait soon

A/N: next chapter lightning meets up with Mike and become friend with him

lightning McQueen in wariowareTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon