wwgit lulu

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( wario and his friends made to the third and final building then there's Lulu)

Lulu: oh cricket you came to rescue me you are so so SOOO amazing

Cricket: I gonna have to stop there I have a girlfriend now that is Ashley

Lulu: oh it's OK then

Cricket: good everyone is here now we must defeat our foe

Wario: hey kid which way did that weird blobby thing go

Lulu: um I think it took this elevator to floor 5

Wario: no time to waste treasure awaits I mean we gotta take that guy down or whatever ( then they went to the elevator replay some microgames )

( then the foe jumped out the window and dropped the treasure )

Wario: yes THERE IT IS ( then it was a golden holey mug but there's the note in it to ) what's this " I dare you to put all three treasures together " eh-hehe a dare Wario never turns down a dare let's do this

Red: huh how are we supposed to put all this junk together

Wario: hey crygor use that robo-noodle of yours and think of something

Dr.crygor: my intellect is truly formidable but this this is rather beyond even me ( then he got an idea ) ah I've got it let's see if my granddaughter Penny can be of assistance

Lulu: I can't wait to see what happens next ( then dr.crygor call Penny)

( meanwhile with lightning )

( lightning see the building being attack by a ghost )

Lightning: uh oh the ghosts ( then he see a proton pack from ghostbusters ) alright I well use the proton pack from ghostbusters to take down the ghost

( then Lightning use the proton to suck the ghosts )

Lightning: hey ghosts tastes this for your medicine ( then he fire the beam )

( then he got the ghost )

Lightning: alright you ghost you done

( lightning - ghostbusters - ray Parker Jr)

Lightning: yep I won

( lightning - super cool - beck feat robye & the lonely island - the lego movie 2 )

Lightning: wahoo

To be continued

A/N: holy cow 100 parts is done awesome

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