wwgit kat and ana

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( wario Mona cricket 18-volt dr.crygor Dribble spitz 9-volt and Mike came to this area )

???: hyaaa hyaaa

( it was Kat and ana )

Kat: hey we found you

Dr.crygor: what's with all the bouncing you look like a couple of tiny kangaroos

Ana: we can't help it our legs won't stop jumping

Kat: ha it's probably just our suuuuper awesome ninja powers listen up something really weird jumped into our level you can help us take it down if you're not too scared ( then they jumped into Kat and ana level )

( cutsence shows a peaceful place called sleepytown village until the cloud came out of nowhere villagers and animals knows about this then came Leo ( leo: prepare for ninja spell puppetry ) made puppetry on animals that cause distraction lucky Kat and ana came to save the day ( Kat & ana: nap time ) they are ready to take him down ( Kat: let's get him ) ( ana: you got it sis ) then their ready to play )

( they play microgames that Kat and ana made of natural )

( after the microgame the game bug came out and Kat & ana throw the ninja star at the game bug )

Kat: we did it mission complete

9-volt: hey kat ana there's something that me and 18-volt want to say

Kat: really what is it

9-volt: me and 18-volt had a crush on you two ( made Kat and ana blush )

Kat: ( blushing ) well me and ana feel the same ( made 9-volt and 18-volt blushed )

18-volt: really

Ana: yeah who show you the pictures

9-volt: it was lightning he show me a pictures that the fans made like 9-volt x kat 18-volt x ana wario x Mona and Ashley x cricket

Kat: really he did to me and ana too

18-volt: same with me

Ana: so is it the part that we kiss for this

( then without warning 9-volt and 18-volt made a move that they kiss Kat and ana on the lips Kat and ana were shocked but they closed their eyes and kiss back then they broke their kiss their friends are shock )

Wario: wow the kids did good things

Mona: maybe I could do the same to you ( made wario blushed )

Wario: ( blushed ) don't think about it yet

Cricket: come on guys we have to keep going

( then they went while 9-volt 18-volt Kat and ana hold hands now boyfriends and girlfriends )

( meanwhile with lightning )

( lightning see a place that look like a new York )

Lightning: is that a empire city from sonic unleashed

( it confirmed that it is empire city from sonic unleashed )

Lightning: alright time for the stage for new apple

( then he went in )

( skyscraper scamper - sonic unleashed )

( Lightning run in through the enemies run to the buildings then he see a goal )

Lightning: yes

Lightning: time for brake

( the he see a white chaos emerald white super emerald and white world ring )

Lightning: their they are the final white chaos emerald white super emerald and white world ring kachow

( lightning - endless possibility - sonic unleashed )

Lightning: sonic you awesome dude

To be continued

A/N: you guys wonder why I made 9-volt and kat kiss same with 18-volt and ana well I love their shipping between of gamers and ninjas don't judge me for this I made them boyfriends and girlfriends and later for Ashley x cricket and wario x mona

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