wwg 5-volt

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( at 5-volt house we see 5-volt watching TV)

5-volt: ( yawning ) 9-volt is home soon I'd better start on dinner ( then she heard the door knock ) I wonder who it is ( it was lightning )

Lightning: hey 5-volt

5-volt: hey Lightning ( then she hugged him ) what brings you here

Lightning: oh just hang out til your son home

5-volt: okay wanna help me with dinner

Lightning: sure ( then they hear the TV commercial on ) or not

Mr.sparkle : hey shoppers it's time to sparkle

5-volt: or not this is good

Mr.sparkle: see it like it buy it own it love it and it is a hot new frying pan

5-volt: frying pan

Lightning: what's a difference than any frying pans

Mr.sparkle: it's tuff nuff coated with sprinkle sparnkles

5-volt & Lightning: whaa

Mr.sparkle: heats like a dream eases back pain makes your kids super smart and you a millionaire

5-volt: wow really

Lightning: I want that frying pan 😍😋

Mr.sparkle: like it

5-volt: YES

Lightning: I NEED IT

Mr.sparkle: don't buy it just yet now it's time to work those muscles shoppers

5-volt: uh what

Mr.sparkle: that's right my friends these pans are heavy how heavy a ton per pan

5-volt: who in the world thought THIS up

Lightning: I don't know but I gonna love this

Mr.sparkle: so before you buy give this workout a try

5-volt: maybe we will

Mr.sparkle: you too can bench press these pans aren't muscles just the absolute best

Lightning: eh ( then the sweat came out of Lightning's forehead ) hehe he

Mr.sparkle: we'll get started right after the break

5-volt: who needs a break we're ready to go now

Lightning: yeah I wanna see the look on 9-volt reaction for this

5-volt: oh yeah he will

( then Lightning and 5-volt do some work out for the frying pan after the afternoon 9-volt home )

9-volt: I'm home

Lightning: hey 9-volt buddy

9-volt: oh hey Lightning how long have you got here

Lightning: minutes also I hang with your mom for this

9-volt: cool

5-volt: ready to eat made hamburgers

9-volt: yes ( he accidentally threw his 3ds to the shelf ) my game oh no I can't reach it

5-volt: one sec ( then she lift the entire shelf ) problem solved

9-volt: ( stunned ) huh no way

Lightning: that's nothing watch this ( then he lift the fridge)

9-volt: ( more studded ) what no way you done that

Lightning: ha ha that's the reaction I see ( then he set it down the fridge) anyway I got to go I'll see you guys at potluck

5-volt: see ya Lightning

Lightning: oh and make sure you come to my race

9-volt: we will my dude

( then Lightning left to find Ashley and Red while listening jump up super stars from super mario odyssey )

( Meanwhile)

Wario: streaming this thing was a genius move I'm going to be filthy rich ( then space bunnies want money ) oh yeah from now on everything I own gold gold heh even my money will be GOLD hey you smell that it's coming from this must be the sweet smell of victory ( then space bunnies back away )

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