wwg 9-volt

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( at Diamond city elementary we see 9-volt at math class )

9-volt: math class again come on

???: you look less than pleased

9-volt: yeah cause math's the worst wait who said that

Fronk: uh me

9-volt: fronk what why we've been over this a million times pet's aren't allowed in school

Fronk: excuse me I'm no pet it's not as if you own me

9-volt: hey keep it down

???: hey 9-volt

Fronk: who's that

9-volt: wait I know that voice ( it was lightning in tiny form

Lightning: sup 9-volt

9-volt: lightning good to see you dude

Fronk: 9-volt you know this guy

9-volt: yeah this is lightning McQueen he's a friend of mine

Lightning: so you must be fronk that 9-volt talk about

Fronk: uh yes

Lightning: cool anyway math problems

9-volt: yes

Fronk: I'm worried 9-volt you really hate math

9-volt: uh yeah kinda

Fronk: let's see here huh 100 minus 56 ( made 9-volt groan ) how about this a hero has a hundred hit points and takes 56 damage from an enemy what's his remaining hp

9-volt: 44 right

Lightning: yes nice going buddy

Fronk: exactly good work now let's try try next one a wizard casts 12 spells and each deals 42 damage what's the total damage

9-volt: 504

Lightning: good going bud

Fronk: aha see you are good at math

9-volt: but that's not math that was just video game stuff

Lightning: that's right there my friend

Fronk: that's the idea so just imagine math's a game an rpg

Lightning: this well be good for this

9-volt: it's like math is a war and these problems are the battles

Fronk: sort of

Lightning: right let's do this then

9-volt: numbers are our enemies mortal enemies they must be defeated time to fight

( then Lightning 9-volt and Fronk fight against enemies game style )

( after that )

9-volt: I did it I beat the game

Lightning: I would say goodwill bro

Fronk: you're a hero

9-volt: thanks to my apprentice

Fronk: don't call me that

Lightning: haha

9-volt: you know you kind make math fun fronk I'd like to pay you back want my dessert tonight

Fronk: no no you enjoy it an old guy like me's got to avoid the sweets

Lightning: what

9-volt: huh old you're not old

Fronk: I just turned one last month

9-volt: one

Fronk: that's right want to know my secret it's 8-bit yoga

Lightning: right well gotta go fast see ya 9-volt

9-volt: see ya Lightning

( then Lightning left and change back to normal size )

Lightning: wow being small was help

( meanwhile at Crystal Park)

( lulu sleeps dream of her the hero )

Lulu: *sleep * luluthe greatest hero ever ( wakes up ) huh what time is it ( she looks on the clock ) oh no I fell asleep wario gotta get away but I can't miss to meet Lightning ( she run off but come back ) thanks for the snuggles

lightning McQueen in wariowareWhere stories live. Discover now