wwt Kat and ana

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( at diamond knoll we see kindergartner kids are going to walking )

Teacher: listen up everyone even though we're on a field trip there will be no dillydally stick with your buddy and don't wander off understand

Kids: yes ma'am

( Just then lightning came )

Lightning: hi kids

Teacher: oh I never seen you who are you

Lightning: I'm lightning McQueen

Teacher: lightning McQueen I heard you're one awesome hero right

Lightning: that's right

Teacher: kids I wanna you meet lightning McQueen

( Then the kids look surprises that lightning McQueen is here )

Kat: wait ana and I know him

Teacher: you actually know him

Ana: yep lightning is a friend to Kat and I

Teacher: wait you're friends with Kat and ana

Lightning: yeah

Teacher: cool lightning could you hang with Kat & ana for awhile

Lightning: sure I love kids

Teacher: that's the spirit

( Then lightning Kat and ana went to the woods )

Lightning: * inhale and exhale * boy I love thing are nice

Ana: sure is look at the flower I found

Lightning: cool

Ana: we got show it to Kat

( By the time they get to there Kat poke the beehive with the stick )

Lightning: um kat I don't think that's was a good idea like that

Kat: why that

( Then the beehive fell and comes the bees then they running )

Lightning: I told you that was a bad idea

( Then they went into the hut to get away from the bees )

Ana: nice going Kat now what

Kat: I'm sorry and we fight hey what's that

( Then came out was the troll then lightning Kat and ana get ready to fight )

Lightning: alright you troll guy it's time to take you down

Troll: bring it on

( Then the trio ready while lightning play microgames that Kat and ana made )

( After they play their ready to charge up but it was the eagle and dog that stop the troll made the trio shocked )

Lightning: wow that's cool I hope

Kat: yeah but that was so fun

Ana: yep but we better get back

Kat: fine party pooper

Lightning: harsh

Kat: sorry

( But as soon they open the door the bees is there )

Lightning Kat and ana: NOT AGAIN

( Then they running to the sunset them lightning got an idea )

Lightning: hey bees look flowers

( Then the bees look and he was right there are flowers that made bees enjoy it )

Kat: how did you do that

Lightning: sometimes the bees need their own things like humans done to us for years

Ana: wow

Lightning: well now that's done you girls go to club sugar I see ya later

Kat and ana: alright bye lightning

( Then lightning left to find dribble and Spitz )

A/N: next chapter we see lightning came to dribble and Spitz about their taxi cab broke down

lightning McQueen in wariowareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin